May 15, 2007 04:49
urm, I can't post this on my myspace and I need to just get it off my chest, an old crush has been renewed recently and I'm afraid it's putting back into old habits. See I've always had this habbit of developing hopless crushes on ppl whom would never return my feelings (except once), it keeps myheart safeya know?
But this person has sent me a message recently out of the blue, and he is such a wounderful person, but I know I've always been nothing but a friend and that he has always looked at me more like an annoying little sister than anything else.
While I'm on the topic of relationship-ish stuff... I have been getting more attention latley and it's wierd. I've been getting many ppl flirting and what not ::shrugs:: oh well, I've already established that I'm damaged goods anyway.
Four more hours to go then sleep for a few hours.