The News with Cez

Feb 21, 2007 19:34

Hey peeps,

Got My income tax back and ordered and new matress and box spring, a queen WOOT! I also got the bedding for it, 300ct sheets and new pillows.

I also bought some more sexy panty and bra setts. Finally touched up my hair and decided to grow it out too, plus I'm thinking of getting a new tat and/or my nipples peirced.

I'm also feeling great now. My mom got me this great book called the Diet Cure, there are 8 parts: 1 Depleted Brain Chemistry (amino acids), 2 Malnutrition of Low-Cal Dieting, 3 Unstable Blood Sugar, 4 Unrecognized Thyroind Problems, 5 Food Addictions and Allergies, 6 Hormonal Problems, 7 Yeast Overgrowth, 8 Fatty Acid Deficiency.

To started I have just been eating very healtfully, large breakfast (they say it should be 25% of your cals), good carbs, oatmeal, brown rice and potatoes, fruits and veggies, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and some beef too. Also I have been on a huge avacato kick, they are a good source of healthy fat. My energy has been up, my sleep patterns better and my depression alot better. I've also been adding exercise.

Anywho that's about it for now. 
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