Snowflake Challenge: Day 2

Jan 02, 2016 21:23

Day 2 - Create a fannish wish list.

OMG, I am so blessed among fans for fanart and podfic and translations and vids and metacomments and recs and so many different things that are wonderful: people like lim and revolutionaryjo and zabira and danceswchopsticks and lunate8 and fleurrochard and podcath and dodificus and counteragent and and and so many more; I get just, like, amazing stuff, presents galore. (THANK YOU; THANK YOU EVERYONE.) I'm still reeling from the Victors stuff people made in 2007 and I was just reminiscing over Livia's early covers for my DS stuff and - back in the day - the zine covers TACS made for the Nature series, which just blew me away; it was really the first time anybody'd ever made fanworks based on my fanworks. But I love that so much; it feels like such a happy feedback loop: zing, zing, zing. (Btw I have learned not to ask for crazy things, even in jest, like--OH, a PONY - since that time that renenet GOT ME A PONY, or okay, adopted a wild pony in my name, but still. With great power comes great responsibility, people. Do not ask for crazy things!)

Beyond all that, I am terrible about asking for specific things--this includes challenge fic--because if I can think of it myself, I will probably actually make it myself; my prompt is always, "give me something I haven't thought of!" which--I can't tell you what that is, because if I knew, then I'd know! My favorite things to read are things I wouldn't have thought to write, because I have my own blinders and limitations. (FWIW, I ask my students the same--the As are almost always "things I haven't thought of" which sometimes are REALLY crazy things but I give points for crazy, actually. I want not to see it coming. I want to think a thought I haven't thought before, hear a story it didn't occur to me to tell.) So I'm wildly unhelpful there in terms of making wish lists or creating prompts with any specificity. Make cool fanworks in my fandoms, say I! Make all the things!

(All that being said, I DO have a vid idea that I told somebody wildly talented in fandom and that I know I haven't got the talent to make myself, so I'm hoping said wildly talented person will make it for or with me. Vidding is really hard, and while I've clawed my way back to writing, I don't know that I'll be able to get back to vidding any time soon. I love fanart and the thing that makes me happy with tumblr - which has so much fail in so many other ways - is that it brings amazing fanart across my dash every single day: all you Stucky artists, I love you. Make the things! And I guess I wouldn't turn down any fanworks inspired by The Fifties if anyone felt inspired, because that story has my heart for being the easiest thing I wrote last year - I just knew how it would go from the first sentence, and that always feels good.

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