Too Good Not To Repost.

Mar 04, 2012 13:25

Big Bird overpowers the will of gods and demons in a quest for celestial justice.. STRUTH.

Actually, while I'm here:

--to which I say, poor Peter Bishop! Because I realized, you know, that this guy has been constantly--CONSTANTLY - been presented with dopplegangers of people he loves and asked to accept them and told he's crazy or otherwise berated for getting it wrong. Starting with his PARENTS--and am I right in saying that Peter considers his *real" father to be his non-biological father, and yet with the Olivia's, there's an insistence on his finding the "real" that is quite different. I floated this past
counteragent who said that seemed plausible to her: that real parenting is based on who loves and supports us, but real love is something specific to a single person. IDK. But when you remember that young Peter was told that Walter and Elizabeth were his parents when they weren't, and forced to accept them, and now he's had to play this out again with Olivia, being told he got into a relationship with the wrong one, and now again--I just say poor Peter Bishop, locked in an everylasting discernment and loyalty test! It's enough to make me be all "love the one you're with!"

Meanwhile, my own private joke after seeing people talk about how a) it's possible the Observers might be descended from the cross-universe breeding of Peter and Olivia and b) the Observers are - rather disconcertingly for a future society - apparently all white dudes, I have come to the conclusion that their society is SLASH CENTRAL, all white cock all the time, and that only the older guys time-travel: yes, native Observer society is obviously full of white hotties with mpreg machines. (It is the only logical explanation! Right? :D) Also that Observers - like babies, to quote Toby Ziegler - all come with hats. I'd like to think there's an Observer society orgy fic being written somewhere. :P

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