Title: Five Lies John Told (And Then A Whole Lotta Truth)
Author: Speranza
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: McShep
Excerpt: Man, he had to give up bullshitting like this.
Author's note: Yeah, this is a late entry for sga_flashfic's "five things" challenge, though this really isn't a typical five things anyway. Thank you lim! Thank you Terri!
John lied to Rodney three times... )
Comments 208
Anyway, that makes me sound angrier than I am; mainly, it was fun to play John off her!
And then the observation that lying was one thing, but when did you know how to stop? My heart cracked. Oh, boys.
This is a great alter-Tao-of-Rodney, and I love John's declaration at the end. Because he would so say it that way. ♥
I really do want to try a traditional five things, where it's five AUs or five totally different snippets! I just, I dunno, I don't think my brain works like that!
I think its because I...don't really know what I'm doing. I mean, *cough* yes, that was CLEVER OF ME, isn't it? (I WANT to write a real five things, but my brain, she does not seem to want to work that way!!)
God, now I feel like I really have to figure the freaking thing out!
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