Oh, for the love of God--

Aug 11, 2007 19:27

I don't normally post when things blow up or explode or get weird, but seriously, people, for the love of God, trying to get an even more problematic set of female-oriented LJ communities TOSed is just the worst kind of bullying: we of all people should understand that you can't really judge communities until you're in them and have context and understanding of what function they serve for their members. Being patronizing toward people who struggle with an illness (even if part of that illness is loud, defensive, or even misplaced pride in that illness) makes you look horrible; and for those of you saying, well, it's not really them, it's LJ you're mad at: I'm sorry, you're even worse, because you've just steamrolled a bunch of sick girls for your own personal agenda. And shutting down speech never helps. And sometimes people find community in the strangest places and through the weirdest ways.

Someone said to me this afternoon, "Fandom is trying to get pro-ana comms TOSed". I'm saying--it's not fandom. And freedom of speech means protecting speech you don't like.
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