Since no one reads this anymore...

Jan 01, 2009 18:22

It'll be safe for me to get some stuff out.

*deep sigh out*

I am really sick of my dad trying to control me and my sister.

Really. Friggen. Sick of it.

I just screamed my lungs out at him, and my voice has been fading over the past few days. I just blew it out. I have a job where I do telephones all day. Not good. Grr.

He just officially kicked her out. >:/ And I was trying to comfort her and give her advice. When he gets on the phone, after having EAVESDROPPED on the whole conversation, and tells her 'You're listening to Amber, look at where SHE'S at in life, she's an awful person to take advice from unless you wanna end up like her, she's not exactly a prime example of the life you want to live blah blah blah, that advice is crappy anyway.'

The advice where I tell her it'll be okay, just cling to God, hold His hand, trust Him, and He'll never lie or forsake you? Oh yeah, what SHITTY advice. GOD, dad, I'm such an idiot.

Oh, wait a minute! That's YOU I'm thinking of! Not ME.

I'm sick of him acting like his voice is so much more worthy of being heard. Talking over me. Not listening. His opinion is the only one that exists. There are not other perspectives than his. And n other paths to take in life other than the one that he wants for you.

Yeah, I'm making $14 dollars an hour, have plenty of money to throw in saving every month, live in a luxury apartment complex, and have no problem paying all my bills, have lots of friends, and am very happy. Oooooh yeah. I'm in SUCH a bad place in life. Woe is me. I can't afford a mansion. HELL, I'm bad off. If only I had a four year degree! THEN my life would be complete!

I could punch my dad right in his arrogant face right now. really.
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