Sub-Series: Magnificent, broken, fallible people
Series: Finding
Rating: PG, could go R eventually
Spoilers: Post-BDM
Characters: Jayne, River, OC child, crew
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Notes: River reminded me of a certain child who had been languishing in the quiet corridors of my Muse's mind. He deserved an org post to find himself in. As always
razycrandomgirl supports and nourishes the muse and
bookaddict43 nudges me to try harder. May their love and support be rewarded! All Jayne/River stories are in the same storyline...
Concrit is like air....amazing how you miss it when it is not there.
Firefly100 Org post Move: A surprise after coming across Reaver torn town.
Dig: Refers to just before Move and then completes after it.
Catch: The confusion of lineage.
Coming Home: A much longer look at those first few days.
Shock: Child's play at Jayne's expense.