Mar 02, 2007 00:05
Title: Conversation
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Post-BDM, after Five No's
Characters: Mal, Zoe about Jayne/River
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Notes: 100 words that snuck up sideways...
All Jayne/River stories are in the same storyline...
“Been noticing our mercenary seems to be visiting Doc a fair bit more often than he used to.”
“Yes sir, been getting between you and less savory clients it would appear.” Zoë answered.
“When does that become more worrisome than a kindness?”
“Expect it would be when River decides so.” Zoë replied.
“Not thinking he is really just a mercenary anymore.”
“No sir, not likely anyone would argue that point.” Eyebrow raised.
“Conjure there oughta be a conversation with the man before he goes and gets himself killed; leaves me to ‘Tross’s wrath.”
“Yes sir, might want to consider that.”