Title: Winter's Night
Rating: PG
Characters: Mal, Inara, Jayne, Zoe
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Summary: A new job, the first after Miranda, has a few folks figuring their way around the new arrangement.
Spoilers: Post-BDM
Author's Notes: Standalone that still fits with the 'verse as I see it after Miranda. To those that are following the
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Comments 23
Uh'm more please! :-D
*Hugs* for lovely support...again ;)
The ending is excellent with Mal worrying over Inara and his final realisation. Well done!!
btw are you going on the cruise??
Yes, I am most definitely going on the cruise! Yay!
*Hugs* to the compliment on the writing (Now you can tear apart my dialogue stickiness ;) )
Also, emailing you privately about the cruise!
There was just some things that needed sayin', and Mal had to be there for it...like I tell folks, this is an insert into the larger Jayne/River arc... all the pieces fit together to create a picture (at least I hope so). Mal and Jayne have both alluded to this period of time in other sections of the story, and Inara needed to be strong to stay on Serenity...
As you may have noted, this fits in to the story line as it has grown from the original Five Times meme...
Inara is sooo hard to write as is Zoe! OMG those women! Mal and Jayne though, much easier... and them being all manly and stupid- yeah, easy to see.
Thank you so much for the warm comments! *Hugs Alexis*
Looks into the mechanics of the Verse just make me happy all over. I think that one day I'm actually going to try to write a plausible space fight between Alliance faction ships, or R/A, because the Reaver/Alliance fight was so fast and confused that it troubled my little brain.
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