Big Damn Quest ficlet

Aug 20, 2006 17:11

Here is this weeks question from big_damn_quests

Title: Serenity
Characters: Malcom Reynolds
Rating: PG
Challenge: What has come the closest to breaking you?
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Warnings: Post-BDM

I don’t know as to why I should be answerin’ that question. Seems like we had a talk already about what you can ask and what I will tell ya.
Huh, s’pose I oughta at least let you know little about it then. The War was a piece of torture all in itself, not just the end of it. Seemed then I would stop being. But, sure enough, one day led on to the next.
Watching Zoë fall for our fēngdiān pilot, that weren’t no easy course neither. But that didn’t take away the rightness of it, nor the wrongness of him going and getting dead after saving all our hides, again.
Seeing Zoë in her wedding dress as she saw him off to the Black, well, now, that near as anything tore me up. Didn’t rightly break then neither though. We was all broke up plenty, conjure Zoë had the right of it, we will fly true.
Flying true. That would be what is near enough to breaking me. Serenity flying true is what keeps me from breaking, even when all I hear is the keening of loss.

big damn quests

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