close to quarter's end

Feb 20, 2013 21:23

Last day of classes are Tuesday.  I just fucked up a math test today because I couldn't remember how to find limits as they approach infinity for two problems.  Hopefully I get enough partial credit to make up for it.  I still have an English report to write, which I'm not looking forward to.  I'm writing a report on technical writing techniques and how I think they can be improved?  It hurts to think about it in too much detail.  Tomorrow is my first half of my karate final. haha  Basics and forms.  He has me doing one of their black belt forms I kind of learned last Thursday.  He told me I had all Mardi Gras break to practice, but I hadn't learned all of it yet.  Oh well.  Tuesday I get to go over self-defense from a grab and one step combinations.  Fun fun.  Hopefully I don't fuck up and throw my partner like last time. Poor boy....  Math is my main concern because obviously I fail at it.  It's also the deciding factor of if I get to take two classing this spring. bleh....

In other news, I've been crocheting.  I'm working on a hat for my mother.  I'll have to make me one if this comes out nice.  It'll be one of the few feminine things I'll own. haha  I was trying to follow a video tutorial on youtube, but she doesn't use crocheting terms, which is normally fine.  However, you can't see very well, and I don't know how many chains I should be ending up with.  So I'm using her instructions as a base, and I'm coming up with my own numbers.  More like an outline, I guess you can say.  First time writing up a pattern.  Not completely original, but I'm learning the math behind the stitches.  The tips I got on Ravelry the other day to question about another project helped with that too, though.  I already tried to make a different hat twice, scrapping both of them before I decided to try this.  One of them was at the very end, but I didn't like the look.  I'm looking forward to uploading pictures once I get my microSD card in.  Maybe I can get a cheap digital camera if I keep this up.  Really looking forward to getting my steel hooks in so I can start crocheting doilies and filet crochet.  I made a dreamwidth account, and I think I'll make that for my crocheting stuff.  I'll still end up posting them here though.  Not like anyone reads it, but eh.  This is just a different way to talk to myself, I suppose. heh

I do have an Etsy account too.  Hopefully once my skills get better, I can start commissions for extra cash.  Or at the very least, make some things I'm kind of decent at and sell them.  I doubt it'll happen, but I might as well try.  maybe if I can get this custimization of things down first.  Still have to figure out a ball cap pattern.  At least I've already begun to get experience with modifications of patterns.  Some day I'll learn to free hand it. haha, yeah, right.  Anyways, I have a list of things I know I want to make, and a folder of random patterns I want to try at some point.  I've got time, and it keeps me from playing video games all the time.   Wow, this got pretty long.  Guess that's about it then.

rambling, school, karate, crochet

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