Whoever You May Be Ch. 14

Jan 14, 2009 12:56

Title: Whoever You May Be
Author: Cesi
Characters: Karl Urban, Liv Tyler, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, AU
Summary: Liv enjoys the power and pleasure of nobility, while Orlando suffers the harsh life of a commoner. The arrival of a Danish Lord may put them in their rightful place. Can you live a life, and keep a love that's destined for someone else? AU. VM/OB

Previous chapters

Chapter 14-Where You Belong

“Hugo,” Cate tugged her husband’s sleeve lightly, “Look.”

The lord did as he was told, turning to where his wife’s gaze was fixed. His pleasant smile faded as he beheld Orlando. Cate however, failed to see the paleness which suddenly marked her husband’s face. She smiled warmly with a suppressed laugh as Orlando’s feet fumbled around, trying to match the steps of the dancers and music of the orchestra. She couldn’t help but notice how different he appeared. He was cleaner and far more pleasant to look at, but more than that he seemed….well she didn’t know what it was exactly. There was just something about Orlando right at that moment that made him all the more wonderful to her.

She knew that deep in her heart, she loved him as her own. But the love she felt seemed to mingle with something else…she didn’t have a word for it, but she could have sworn it was pride. She felt so proud of him. He was being admired by everyone; a simple glance would confirm it. He had no idea just how many people he captivated, and even if he did, he never showed it. He was so different from the other servants. He was thoroughly devoted to his work, faithful and sincere. He never uttered a complaint, and never ceased in finding ways to please his masters…especially Liv.

Cate’s smile weakened for a moment, grief passed by slowly as she remembered all the children she had lost before Liv. Orlando….

He would have been the perfect child. Nearly everything she imagined her children would be she saw in Orlando. There were times when she felt like a traitor to her daughter because of her secret yearning. She loved Liv. But Orlando never left her thoughts. Her love for the boy grew as he did, every year she yearned more for his happiness and well-being, and every day she saw more of her lost children in him.

“Orlando looks so dignified, so refined and noble,” Cate said, her smile returning as Orlando and Viggo passed near them, “Miranda must be proud. She’s blessed to have such a child.”

“She truly is,” Hugo agreed, his voice low and faded as he watched the young man travel across the dance floor, “Cate, remember our first dance?”

“Of course I do. It was our first meeting…and if I do recall, we danced an awful lot like them.” Cate said, nodding towards Viggo, who once again tried to cover Orlando’s mistakes without much success. Hugo smiled at the memory. He reached for his wife’s hand and held it tenderly, enjoying the simple contact between them. Watching Viggo and Orlando was like reliving his own first dance with Cate. It was over twenty years ago during a friend's birthday celebration. Hugo smiled warmly at the memory, easing the suspicions that threatened to overshadow him.

“Orlando and I are such horrible dancers,” Hugo said jokingly after a silence. He placed a tender kiss on his wife’s hand, “I don’t know how you and Viggo can tolerate it.”

“I don’t even know,” Sean thought aloud as he overheard the Lord and Lady’s conversation. Viggo was not a tolerant person. After years of living together Sean was certain none knew his cousin better than himself, and it was truth. Sean knew things about his cousin that the older Dane would never admit. Sean knew Viggo was impatient-very impatient, demanding and a tad arrogant with a serve case of social pressure. But here he was…dancing with a peasant.

Sean followed his cousin with an amused smile on his face. That servant boy was enchanting to look at from a distance, and judging from Viggo’s sudden change in character, utterly inescapable up close. During the grand festivals and celebrations in Denmark, Viggo wouldn’t even spare a glance to the less prestigious nobles. That servant had no wealth, no power, and no name…and yet he was crumbling away the barrier of Viggo’s ridiculous pride in a single dance. Sean couldn’t keep himself from laughing as the boy, Orlando, looked completely lost and terrified when the cue came to change partners. Viggo nodded politely to the other dancers in apology, he wasn’t letting go anytime soon. Sean laughed softly, if he didn’t see it for himself he would have never believed it. Viggo? His cousin, Viggo? Dancing with one of the lower class and caring how he felt? Not wanting to separate from him? Sean smiled widely about how much fun he was going to have teasing Viggo about it, especially after his sermon to Elijah about that blonde servant that afternoon.

Sean strolled into the crowd, stopping every now and then as the guests called to him for good company. He continued walking until Liv caught his eye. A young lord was practically begging her for a dance. Sean noted the nobles surrounding Liv, all of them known social climbers with not much in them except their money and ancient name.

“Please my lady,” The young man said again, grasping Liv’s elegant hand, “Dance with me, just one dance. That is all I ask.”

Liv smiled sweetly as she yanked her hand away from the noble. Her eyes rolled in annoyance. The lord’s touch seemed to offend her greatly, as if his very skin was infested with some disease. She started wiping her hands on the napkins spread on the table, a well concealed look of disdain on her face.

“Must be difficult to refuse so many advances,” An elderly noble said as Liv kept her hands together, an obvious sign of rejection to any more offers, “And just who has captured your attention that you would ignore all others?”

“Lord Viggo. Who else?” Liv answered, her eyes shimmering, “I will dance with no other, just him alone. A man like him is not easily replaced.”

The old noble chuckled deeply as the other lords and ladies suppressed their grins and laughter. Liv’s smile faded rapidly. As far as she knew, there was nothing remotely funny about what she said.

“Well my lady,” A young noblewoman said, “He may not be easily replaced…but it appears you are.”

“What?” Liv snapped at the insult.

“Lady Olivia, I believe you should accept another partner,” Another joined in, “Lord Viggo has found another in your stead.”

“No,” Liv whispered harshly as she found the couple on the dance floor, holding one another as they moved with the music, “This can’t be.”

“I wonder who he is,” The lord said, eyeing Orlando curiously.

“Well, he must be from a great line. Lord Viggo’s pride will forbid him to speak to anyone less than the greatest of nobles. I’m certain that boy is from royalty.”

“They look beautiful together.”

“I’m sure a match between them is very favorable.”

“I must know his name! If Lord Viggo doesn’t express interest in him soon, I might just sweep in and court him myself. The boy’s a natural beauty.”

“They truly are a sight to behold. That strange boy wouldn’t accept any offer until Viggo came by. Oh…just think about how suitable those two would be!”

“I’m trying to figure out where he came from. I asked him before, but all he said was that he came from here. Here? The only noble family near here is Lord Hugo’s, and it seems odd that they would keep such a man away from high society. I’ve visited their family many times and not once have a heard or seen him.”

“Well that’s odd. I can’t imagine why they would hide him.”

“Maybe they weren’t hiding him. Perhaps they were protecting him.”

“Protecting him? What from?”

“From suitors! Perhaps he’s already engaged and they simply don’t want complications springing up by more marriage proposals.”

“Wait! He must be engaged to Lord Viggo. That explains why he refused to dance with anyone else. It makes sense doesn’t it?”

“It’s odd that they would hide him, but Lord Viggo is known for his fierce protectiveness…he would not tolerate any threat to what is rightfully his.”

“Lord Viggo doesn’t appear too intimating and fierce right now. I think the boy’s softened him a bit.”

“If that’s the case then I really do wish they would marry.”

“I can’t take my eyes off them! I don’t think anyone else would look so suitable in Viggo’s arms than him! They look so fitting together.”

“This is blasphemy.” Liv spat beneath her breath, “Lies…ridiculous lies.” And yet she saw the evidence before her. Her guests were supposed to praise her, admire her, and speak of her! Instead they were watching adoringly as her fiancé took that low class trash into his arms.

This couldn’t be. Not tonight, not in her own party! This wasn’t supposed to happen. Orlando was supposed to be the laughing stock of the evening. She didn’t even plan to humiliate him, she was so certain he would that on his own! He was supposed to be utterly humiliated by his own stupidity. But now…

Now he was stealing everything from her again! This was her night, and he was taking it from her. His poor breeding and manners were supposed to make her look better than she already was. He was to be a mockery, a fool, a show…not the star! These idiot nobles weren’t supposed to like him, the guests weren’t supposed to adore him more than her!

And the very thought that Orlando was of noble blood…that he was the Viggo’s true betrothed…

Her eyes darkened as Viggo lead Orlando away, their hands still intertwined…No…Viggo was hers!

“That ambitious piece of shit, how dare he? How dare he try to climb into my place? How dare he even touch Viggo! He has no right. This is an outrage…a man of power and prestige, dancing with a worthless street rat…” Liv’s furry intensified in her whispers.

She barely concealed her anger as Viggo and Orlando approached them. Summoning all her will power, she commanded herself to remain refined and dignified despite this insult. Her smile twisted darkly as her enemy drew closer. She would sooner sell the souls of every worthless servant beneath her before she lost to Orlando again.

Her eyes gleamed. Time to show Viggo, and everyone else just where that bastard belonged.


Viggo felt Orlando’s hands slip swiftly from his as they left the dance floor. The break in contact seemed like a sudden jolt, snapping him back to reality. The dance felt like a lost dream. If it weren’t for the applause ringing out he would have doubted his own memory. He glanced briefly at Orlando, amazed by how quickly the boy’s confidence vanished.

“Lord Viggo,” Liv greeted, her voice thick with sweetness, “And Orlando…”

“Liv…I, mean…Lady Olivia…” Orlando bowed slightly, overwhelmed by Liv’s regal appearance, feeling even more out of place than ever, “Thank you for…for inviting me…I…”

“Oh no Orlando,” Liv smiled charmingly, her eyes sweeping through the crowd, gathering their attention, “It’s the least I can do to thank you.”

“Olivia, the décor is simply splendid. I’ve never seen a more lovely night party, and in a garden no less. You have excellent taste! And the time it must have taken to prepare…” A noblewoman proclaimed, waving her arms over the scenery. It was truly magnificent. An ingenious display of sheer canopies, elegant silks, exquisite crystal decorations and shimmering gold graced the gardens. The very arrangement was a work of art, impressive and daunting in its scope.

“I agree. But I really can’t take credit for it. The servants worked so hard to give me the exact celebration I wanted…especially Orlando.” Liv said casually as she strolled among the nobles, her head held high as Orlando flinched, his eyes darting quickly to the sides, hopelessly trying to find a way out.

Orlando felt paralyzed as he heard voices whisper harshly around him, mocking him. He felt completely alone, and yet at the same time he felt as if he was placed on a stage for all to see and jeer.

“He’s a servant? My word…”

“Can you believe the nerve? It’s outrageous, a mere peasant impersonating a lord!”

“Impossible! I could have sworn he was royalty…”

“To dare and to pass as nobility…the fool should be flogged!”

“They were all praising him a second ago,” Sean said beneath his breath, his respect for the nobles vanishing rapidly as they condemned the poor boy, “What kind of nobles are they? They’re so fickle it’s ridiculous.”

The boy might be a servant, but judging from his meekness, he had no intention of deceiving anyone. If anything, these nobles deceived themselves…and now they think that by belittling a helpless boy they would someone reaffirm their superiority? Sean watched as Viggo tensed even as Orlando did.

The shame and hurt Orlando felt seemed to reflect in Viggo’s own eyes, except there was something else in the Dane’s eyes…and Sean feared what might happen.

“Yes, Orlando here is my favorite servant!” Liv continued mercilessly, her voice strong and dominating, “I’m so fortunate to have a servant like him. You know, he was in Talbothays barely a day ago to make sure every order would come in on time. Can the rest of you present a servant so faithful his work? I doubt it. His level of mindless devotion is hard to come by.”

“Talbothays?” Viggo stared at Orlando, his mind reeling, “You were in Talbothays?” If Orlando was in Talbothays the same night he was…

“Orlando.” Viggo whispered, too stunned to say anything else. Was that why the boy was so mad at him before? Was that why the boy felt so familiar? If he really was the one at the bridge…

“He never complains, never whines…he’s always so willing to do everything for me. He doesn’t even think twice.” Liv continued, circling around Orlando like a bird of prey.

“Enough,” Viggo managed to say, “Enough Liv.”

“Oh no, my dear Lord Viggo,” Liv’s eyes narrowed as she slowly paced around Orlando, her eyes bearing down on him, “I just want to make sure that there’s no doubt about who I am, and who he is!”

Her hands dove for a crytal glass, and in her furry swung it straight for Orlando's face, slamming the scarlet wine all over his once regal form. Her anger still unsatisfied, Liv grabbed the table cloth. In a single swipe she yanked the cloth from the table, sending food crashing to the floor along with shattered glass. The commotion rang through the gardens, quickly capturing the attention of lords and servants alike. Soon all eyes were fixed on Liv, her hands still full of cloth, her fingers tearing runs in the delicate fabric.

“Go,” Fran urged, sending servants flying towards the mess, “Hurry, help him!”

Orlando couldn’t move. He felt exposed and ashamed, not only were the lords watching, but his fellow servants…how could he ever face them after all this? He felt a comforting arm around him as Fran found him. He was vaguely aware of the servants at his feet, swiftly cleaning up the mess Liv created.

“Stop!” Liv snapped venomously at Fran, “Get away from him!”

“Miss Fran…please go…” Orlando said weakly, he didn’t want anyone else to be harmed for his sake, especially Fran.

“Get back! All of you!” Liv barked even as the servants withdrew. If she wasn’t so angry at Orlando she would have seen the contempt in their eyes, “Leave him alone or I swear you’ll be next!”

Orlando pulled away from Fran, gently pushing her away with a heavy heart. The other servants gathered around the scene in a circle, all of them ready to pounce on Liv if anything drastic happened to one of their own.

“Go on Orlando,” Liv commanded, her voice loud and clear for all to hear, “Show them just how wonderful a slave you are. Show them why you’re my favorite.”

Liv’s smile intensified as Orlando knelt before her and slowly picked up the mess at her feet. She bowed down, her voice dangerously low. Her fingers softly traced his face before suddenly jerking it up to meet hers.

“You know Orlando, it’s really not that difficult to make me happy,” Liv whispered, her lips curled in amusement, her wounded pride swiftly healing itself, her stained hands quickly turning hot from his tears.

“All I wanted was a little amusement from your stupidity,” she said harshly, her fingers pierced deep into Orlando’s jaw as she forced his eyes to meet hers, “But you had to take my night away from me. You leave me no choice. Now I have to clarify exactly who you are…”

Orlando gasped as Liv threw his head down in a powerful motion, slamming his body to the ground she kicked him down, her foot pressing painfully against his back. She could feel his staggered breathing as his body shook, and his pain calmed her own frantically beating heart.

“I want there to be no doubt Orlando, about where you belong…” She whispered darkly, hate and jealousy dripping freely from her lips, “Beneath my feet.”

The servants rustled around, waiting for someone to make the first move. Liv’s head snapped around, sensing the unwanted tension towards her.

“Get back to work,” She barked, kicking Orlando once more before turning away to face the nobles, smiles of approval on most of their faces.

“The boy deserved it! You did the right thing dear.”

“The very ideas we came up with! Oh, the nerve of him!”

“You should have done more my dear, a good flogging will embed some sense into him!”

Liv smiled widely, her heart swelling at their praise and acceptance. But then another voice broke through all others…

“Orlando?” Cate fought through the crowd, pushing anyone in her way. The smile was erased from Liv’s face as her mother stopped in her tracks. She didn’t even look at her, not even a mere glace of disapproval or disdain…she went straight for Orlando.

Cate’s hands flew up to her mouth as Orlando struggled to get up. She didn’t see everything that happened. All she heard was the crash and whispers among the crowd, and at the mention of Orlando’s name, she had rushed madly to where the crowd had gathered.

The Lady knelt down to Orlando’s level, her ears and eyes shut from everything else except the boy before her. She didn’t care about how inappropriate it was, or what people might think of her, their opinions weren’t worth a breath right now. All she cared about was stopping the tears falling from those brown eyes, all she wanted for him to cease crying, she wanted to protect him…to keep him safe.

“What happened? Who did this? Orlando…” Cate choked as she gently lifted his face. Her eyes burst with tears, there was no control left within her. Orlando met her with wet eyes full of shame, humiliation, and defeat.

Orlando’s heart shuddered for a moment under Cate’s touch. He wanted… he needed comfort. But he knew he shouldn’t seek it in the Lady, no matter how much his heart yearned for her kindness and tenderness. What would happen if she found the truth about him? That he was the product of Hugo’s betrayal…that he was the bastard son of her husband? What kindness would he hope for then?

“Lady Cate…have you gone mad?” A bold noblewoman said, disgusted by how the lady embraced the dirty, sobbing servant, “This behavior is so…undignified. Did you see how he flung himself before Lord Viggo? The ambitious, social climbing whore…”

“Leave,” Cate forced out, anger brimming in her voice, “Leave now or be thrown out!”

“W-What?” The noblewoman said, “What did you say?”

“I said to leave!” Cate snapped even as her arms gathered Orlando protectively, shielding him from anyone who would dare say a word against him.

“Leave! Every single one of you that hurt him...insulted him or mocked him…all of you get out of my sight!” Cate was nearly screaming at them, her usual poise shattered. She was a gracious and patient lady, but the sound of Orlando’s staggered breath…the sight of his tears….Cate’s eyes gleamed furiously as the nobles picked up their belongings and paraded from the gardens, gossiping furiously about her behavior.

“Andy!” Cate commanded, and at once the man came at her side, his blood boiling from all that he saw.

“Yes my lady?” He said, ready to take her command.

“Make sure those…those….guests are off my property within the next minute!”

“My lady?” Andy refused to believe how Cate’s very persona had transformed, her voice became harsh and demanding, the furiously protective gleam in her eyes made him cringe with their intensity.

“I want them out Andy. So get them out.” Andy nodded as went off to do his work, cracking his knuckles in anticipation. He was given authority to show those outspoken nobles just what a life’s worth of labor does to your hands, and he wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass by.

“Orlando…” The beaten young man cried as the gentle voice called to him, “Orlando, it’s alright…tell me what happened…let me help you. I promise no one will ever hurt you again, not while I’m here.”

Orlando wanted to run away, but her embrace was so warm and secure…as if nothing could ever touch him again. He melted into her embrace, breathing into her golden hair as he hid his face. He allowed himself to slip away, and for a few selfish moments he accepted the love and comfort she offered.

“I-I’m sorry,” Orlando broke free from her embrace, but even then she wouldn’t let him go.

“No. Orlando tell me what happened. I’ll make up for it somehow. I’ll face whoever did this to you! Just tell me Orlando, please,” Cate said, holding on to his hand.

Orlando refused to look at her, turning his eyes away. He had to leave, he was already a wreck. He didn’t want to bring any more shame upon the Lady. She was far too kind to have her reputation ruined because of him. He called on the last stands of strength he had left and pulled his hand away from hers, running swiftly into the shadows.

“Orlando, come back!” Cate called after him, she tried to follow but strong arms restrained her.

“Cate, calm down…” Hugo whispered as he held his wife, “Cate, please.”

“I-I have to follow him. Hugo he’s hurt!” Cate urged as Hugo held her close. The Lord looked at the crowd of spectators, aware of the gossip fest soon to break out.

“Cate, please calm down. We’ll find out what happened, but first…please, for Liv…please calm down. We'll find out what happened, I promise...”

The remaining servants took the cue and began to swarm around, distracting the guests by any means possible. The faster servants began to clean the mess, murmuring amongst themselves while shooting glances at Liv.

She picked up her skirts in a hurry and rushed to the other side of the gardens. The last thing she wanted was for her parents to question her and ruin her night completely.


Orlando slammed the door shut, locking himself inside the empty room. The room was meant for servants to rest until they were called upon, there was even a well kept fire blazing in the corner fireplace, illuminating the shadows of the room. Orlando held his head in his hands, weeping openly as he relived the night.

It seemed almost surreal. He never received so much attention and praise in so short a time. They spoke of him like he was actually something…someone of great importance. He even danced with that Dane! Orlando clenched his eyes at the memory. He was a fool to believe that anything could actually come from the dance. It was nothing but movement and music…whatever he felt was fleeting, once the dance ended so did the illusion that they were…that they were actually connected in some way. For those few minutes they were equals, but when the song ended they became what they will always be…as servant and master.

Orlando blinked his tears away in confusion. Why did he care if they became less then equal? That’s the way it should be! There was no way the lord would ever to speak with him again, not after that display. And yet Orlando felt like he lost something...He cursed himself madly. That lord nearly raped him last night! And now he was dreading the thought of not speaking to him again? Was he really that forgiving a person…or was he really just a social climbing whore like they accused him of?

He remained in that room for what felt like an eternity, waiting for his tears to stop. He reached into the coat pocket for Karl’s pendant, his reassurance that sometime in his life, someone valued him. He fumbled anxiously in the pocket. Then his eyes went wide.

“Where is it?” He shed his coat, searching every pocket it could have possibly been in, turning them inside out and flapping the garment wildly.

“No. Not now!” Orlando felt new tears spring into his eyes. Damn! He was sick of crying! Why couldn’t he be braver? Why did he have to be so weak? Orlando stood up and twisted the lock open. He had to find that pendant. Everything else can go wrong but he couldn’t afford to lose that necklace…

Orlando gasped when he was pushed back, a heavy hand throwing him to the wall. Orlando heard the snap of the door locking once more as dark, demonic eyes met his.

“Liv didn’t do a very good job,” Bernard said, “I’ll finish it off the way it should.”

“I’m sorry!” Orlando begged as Bernard grabbed a fistful of his hair, dragging him towards the fire. Bernard grabbed a poker, digging the end into the fire, stirring up the flames madly.

“Is this what you’re proud of Orlando?” Orlando tried to back away as Bernard brought the scorching poker inches away from his eyes, “Are you proud of your face? Of how many foolish admirers you can entice by it?” Bernard withdrew the poker, throwing it aside for now. He forced Orlando to kneel before the flames. The boy started to choke as the fumes began to overpower him.

“Let’s see what your admirers will think of you once I burn that shameless face off! And once you see their repulsion and hatred for you…I’ll rip those damn eyes out! How many will you entice then Orlando?”

Orlando screamed as Bernard pushed him, expecting the sudden furry of fire to consume his skin. Instead he was thrown aside, out of his uncle’s painful grip. Orlando crawled back, his hands landing on forsaken keys as Bernard cursed wildly.

“Miranda! What are you doing?”

Miranda appeared by Orlando’s side, holding him close, shielding him from any attack that might come.



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