Whoever You May Be Ch.1

Dec 04, 2008 08:57

Here we go = D WYMB!

Title: Whoever You May Be
Author: Cesi
Rating: R
Pairing: V/O
Summary: Liv enjoys the power and pleasure of nobility, while Orlando suffers the harsh life of a commoner. The arrival of a Danish Lord may put them in their rightful place. Can you live a life, and keep a love that's destined for someone else? AU. V/O
Feedback: Yes please! This is my first fic, so I’d really appreciate constructive criticism : )
Disclaimer: Not mine, they belong to themselves.
Beta: My sister at heart, NJ

Warnings: Character death, violence, a few het moments, sexual aggression, mpreg in later chapters. If you’re okay with all those things, please go on ahead and enjoy = )

A/N: Originally posted in Mirrormere. I’m revising the chapters as I post them on LJ for a better read. Enjoy = ) Please no spoilers for those who already know what’s coming, I would greatly appreciate it.

Chapter 1- For Now

“No…no don’t, please! You can’t do this, bring her back!”

“Quiet Randa, they’ll hear you…”

“Bring back my daughter! You have no right to take her…you have no right…where did you take her? What did you do...”

“Shut up! Shut it and listen! I didn’t sell her if that’s what you think. The child now sleeps in the arms of Lady Cate…

“That child is my daughter! Mine…not hers! I barely held her and you…you take her from me!

“She is not yours anymore” came the cold reply, “For now she is the daughter of Lord Hugo and Lady Cate. That is what people will know her as,” But the woman wouldn’t listen. Her hands gripped the blooded sheets with unusual strength as she wailed.

“Bring her back! My daughter is…is mine! My baby!” The peasant sobbed, her voice faltering as she thought of how, no more than ten minutes ago, she had given birth to the most beautiful little girl. The thought of her baby in the care of another, especially the Lady was enough to send her into uncontrollable hysterics.

“She belongs here, with me…her mother…not with that bitch!!!” She spat out, the grief in her eyes suddenly giving way to bitterness and hate, she didn’t even flinch as her uncle raised his hand to hit her straight across the face.

“Shut up! Idiot! Don’t you see? The child will be known as theirs, as nobility…as the heir to their estate”

“I don’t care…bring her back! Please, uncle…I need my baby, she is all I have…y-you can’t do this!” It took whatever restraint he had not to strike her again. He had rarely raised a hand against his niece, but she was being so stupid, so sentimental…over what? Didn’t she understand what a wonderful, ingenious thing he had done?

“I don’t want to hear this shit! Don’t you see? Or are you really that stupid Miranda?” Desperation, confusion, and anger clouded Miranda’s eyes. Her uncle nodded towards the open window, towards a magnificent manor on a hill. His eyes gleamed with dark intent.

“This will be hers, she will be denied nothing…you can’t even give her the dirt from the ground without asking permission. In their care she will be a goddess! With you she’ll be nothing more than the pigs you tend to…with them she will have the world, at the side lords and princes and not at their feet!”

“But not...not…as mine…not as my baby” Her tear stained face locked with his eyes, and then she heard a faint sound coming from his arms. For a second her hopes soared as a small figure wrapped in rags faintly cried from her uncle’s arms. On instinct she opened her arms as he gave the baby to her. But her happiness was gone the moment her gaze fell on the slumbering angel.

“Your child,” He said, “For now.”

“This. Is. Not. Mine” Miranda choked in horror, the baby seemed so foreign, so misplaced in her arms. The child was beautiful, but in a different way from her own. He was quiet and peaceful, with soft curls already framing his cherubim face. His little eyes opened into clear cut pools of gentle brown, wide and purely enchanting in the innocence that shone through. Miranda was horrified. This child had to come from somewhere. Somewhere there was another mother begging for her son. Not only had her uncle given away her daughter, he had taken this boy from someone else. Miranda pushed the baby back into her uncles’ arms. She wanted the baby away as if his very presence in her arms would bring punishment from the sky.

“Your daughter had to take his place, and now he must take hers” He fought the overwhelming urge to just thrash the child on the wall. Just to kill him right now. No. Not yet. This child must live for now.

Miranda’s horror intensified. Sick realization of what her uncle had done sent winter straight to her heart. She knew who the boy was. There was no other child it could have been.

“No! This is our Lord’s son…he’ll be furious!”

“He won’t find out.”

“The boy doesn’t belong here!” She screamed, “Take him back!”

“Will you have your daughter crawling in the pig pen as you did? No. She won’t suffer as our family has. But this child, their son deserves what’s coming” Miranda watched as the man’s face twisted with malice, his voice dripping with madness.

“Miranda, fate has been cruel. I will not wait to change it. For centuries our family has endured their rule, watched them dwell in power and happiness. I can’t undo those years…” A flicker of sadness ran through his eyes as his mind went back to distant painful memories, but the soft cries of the baby snapped him back to the present.

“But I promise to inflict a lifetime of hell on this brat…and when the time is right, we will reveal to your true child the truth. She will be the key to our future, the one we deserve.” He stared grimly at the baby, and then in a heartbeat his face changed. A sick and cruel smile stared down at the child. The image was terrifying, a monstrous demon of a man holding a small defenseless angel. In the distance, lights were brought to life as the carriage bearing Lady Cate and the baby girl stopped at the massive entrance doors. The sense of commotion and rush had reached even their pathetic little straw stack of a house.

“But this one…this brat. He will live and die as he deserves,” With dark, malicious strength he gripped the little child until it cried out from pain. “As a pig.”


“We must thank Bernard for his help,” Lady Cate smiled sweetly at her husband, “He was so kind to me, I could have…”

“Yes, I know love.” Lord Hugo understood fully what could have happened.

Out of all their children, this child was the only one they ever got the chance to hold. After years of disappointment and heartache a living child was finally born. Lady Cate gazed lovingly at her daughter. Her breathing, living child. Lord Hugo embraced his wife as she held the wailing baby in her arms. The child was incredibly fair for a newborn, tiny but strong. She grabbed and twisted whatever her hands brushed against, curiously tugging everything towards her without hesitation. She had yet to still herself or calm her screams, but for a couple who spent years praying and yearning for this moment, the new born chaos was happily welcomed.

“I must repay him for his kindness. He is such a brave man, Hugo. When I went into labor he did all he could to find a midwife…” Hugo frowned at the thought of his wife giving delivering their child in a carriage in the dead of the night, must less being left alone while the servant sought help.

“He couldn’t find one, so he did it himself. Amazing! He even told me he’s done it once before when I started to cry over losing the baby,” she shifted to a more comfortable position in their bed as the baby started to twist away from her arms. Lady Cate whispered soft, calming words to the child. Hugo looked on as his daughter slowly relaxed, but her cries remained constant. Cate continued.

“After the birth I felt weak, I couldn’t even see. But I heard the most wonderful sound of her crying.” Lady Cate smiled with tears in her eyes as she kissed the child. “And then Hugo, I fell asleep…or at least I thought I did. Next thing I knew Andrew was bringing me and our daughter back to the manor. I asked for Bernard, but Andrew said he was tending to his niece who had given birth tonight as well. Bernard is such an extraordinary man. We must thank him.”

“Of course, of course whatever you wish,” Hugo kissed her cheek then turned to his daughter, “But first, what will we name her?” he asked as he gently touched his daughter’s small clenched fist.

“I feel silly now,” Cate laughed softly, “All this time I was dreaming of a boy.”

“Boy or girl it doesn’t matter. You have given us a child. How can I ever think that silly?” he thought for a moment, “Olivia. We can call her Olivia, after your grandmother.” Hugo suggested as his wife gave a thoughtful look. She repeated the named over and over; finally her smile grew wide in approval.

“Yes Hugo, it is a lovely name. Olivia.” She called warmly to the child who still wouldn’t stop crying.

“Liv. Our beautiful, sweet daughter.” And with that Cate drifted off to rest in the arms of her husband. Hugo smiled as the child calmed. He spoke a prayer full of gratitude and love, his wife was safe and they would spend the rest of their lives loving their daughter. Liv.


At the foot at the hill, away from the celebration and warmth of the manor Miranda stared blankly at the crib. It was old and rotting, carelessly patched and covered with tattered rags. The quiet baby boy had started to cry loudly for the first time. She did nothing. She just sat there. She didn’t bother to get up from her bed, not even when the cries grew desperate. The child must be hungry, or cold, or uncomfortable, she thought for a second. Miranda moved hesitantly towards the crib. Then the truth of this child gripped her like chains.

Not mine, she thought. Hers. Lady Cate’s.

She saw his eyes open and his chubby arms raised. She walked back to the bed, turned away from the child and cried her heart out.

That night, two children were born into worlds that should have been another’s. However, fate has shown a way of returning things to their rightful place. But for now, a stolen gem mingles with mud and mire, while an imitation lies in its place.


mpreg, wymb, au

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