Fic: All My Life

Feb 19, 2010 16:47

Title: All My Life
Author: Cesi
Rating: R
Pairing: VM/OB OB/?
Summary: The true essence of life is love...based on the film by Star Cinema
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. The characters own themselves, and this beautiful plotline is the product of Star Cinema’s film “All My Life”. I’m just combining one of my favorite movies with my favorite actors, no copyright infringement intended = ) Hope you enjoy.

A/N: Apologies for the absurd lateness of this update. Further apologies for my blatant disregard for geography and time. I actually have been to Key West, but due to the interest of time and space, I placed some attractions closer than they really are. The Glass Reef, Pirate Soul Museum, and Coconut Grove are all real, just a bit misplaced in terms of location.

//things between slashes are either flashbacks or inner monologues// :)

*Previous chapters

Ch.3 Key West

“The universal truth about vacations is this,” Viggo took the excursion list from Orlando's tense hands, “Things never go as planned. So why bother?”

“Because it's better for me this way,” Orlando said, annoyed. His brows felt fixed into a permanent scowl from this man's constant interference with his plans. First, his plans to wallow in pity, and now his plans of getting wasted in every bar Key West had to offer.

The sky was ridiculously blue as they boarded off the cruise ship. Sunlight flowed freely into every crevice it could reach. The passengers of the ship marched on, maps and lists on their hands, hats on their heads, and sunblock smearing every visible part of their orange bodies. Orlando however, was too busy inspecting the fine details of his watch to notice.

“What is the point of going on vacation if you spend half the time planning things to do, without actually doing it?” Viggo argued.

Orlando's stern look amused him for some reason. Probably because it simply didn't fit the young man's looks. He was dressed down as they dispersed from the passengers of the ship, wearing simple cargo shorts, a pain white tee, with sunglasses sitting on the top of his curls. He looked years younger than he did in those stiff clothes he wore earlier. And although Orlando didn't realize it, Viggo could see a genuine glow to the young man's face now, as if stepping into the sunny shores of Key West kept his former bitchiness at bay. Viggo only hoped that it would stay that way for awhile. But then again hope was a very fragile thing.

“I just don't like surprises.” Orlando added, adjusting the timer on his watch before fiddling with his watch again. He pounded the cruise's departure time on the timer, “Everything has to be neat, organized...”

“Obsessive compulsive much?”

“Yes, actually. I'm very obsessive compulsive. I like to keep everything in it's place.” There was a slight sharpness in his voice , but he quickly regained his composure, “Speaking of which, we need to clarify some boundaries Mr. Mortensen.”

“Alrighty then,” Viggo said, “But after you're done with your conditions. You'll have to listen to mine.”

“First of all,” Orlando began, stepping off to the side so that other passengers could stroll pass them into the port, “Weither I see you again or not after this trip is none of my concern. Second, if you haven't figured it out already, I'm a selfish bastard. I didn't ask you to come with me because I wanted to make friends, but because I could use you for my own means. And third, I have no intention of mixing any sort this at all! I just-”

“Needed a big, strong, man to keep that stalker off your ass?” Viggo finished.

“Exactly. But don't think for a moment that I won't haul you into the sea if you try anything with me that--”

“Alright, I get it. You don't like me. You don't like much of anything. No need to emphasize it, kid.” Viggo said.

Orlando's face softened a bit. He didn't want to apologize, but at the same time he knew this stranger didn't deserve the anger thrown at him. After all, Viggo wasn't the one who left him....

Now that Orlando thought of it, Viggo wasn't much like his ex-lover at all...not in looks, speech, or reasoning...and he tried hard to stop himself from welcoming the change.

“Look. I know we just met, and I'm not going to force you to spill out your tragic life story or whatever it is that's got your pretty little head worked up.” Viggo continued, his voice surprisingly easy, “It's a fucking vacation, not a marriage contract. Besides, I agree with those boundaries you set up.”

“Really?” For once, Orlando didn't have any sharp remarks. In spite of his irritation towards Viggo, he couldn't continue to speak down to the man. Viggo was much too easy going, too honest and calm to be brought down by Orlando's rudeness, and it baffled the young man. He was half-hoping that Viggo would fire back, if only to give himself an excuse for allowing his anger to continue. A twinge of guilt pinched Orlando at the thought. He lifted his eyes in a silent apology to the older man.

But Viggo's face didn't look so old anymore, not with the loop-sided clumsy smile that slowly appeared. Orlando suddenly felt light, and it wasn't from the sunlight. He felt a sweep of nervousness across his body. He swiftly pulled his sunglasses down, hoping to mask the sudden gush of redness he was certain was on his face.

“I don't like attachments either,” Viggo continued, “It's better for everyone that way. And like I said before, this little date of ours is really just for a bit of company. No more. No less. I disagree with you on one thing though. You're not a selfish bastard.”

“What makes you sure of that?” Orlando scoffed, perhaps a bit too harshly.

“You try too hard to be one,” Viggo answered simply. “If you're really the bastard you claim to be, then you wouldn't need me to ward off any unwanted'd just toss the guy yourself. And you wouldn't care about making things clear with me. You'd just lead me on, have your fun, and leave without a trace.”

Orlando opened his mouth to respond, but before the words even formed a horrible bull horn sneeze erupted from him, turning the heads of everyone within hearing distance.

“Good god kid, you ok?”

“Oh fuck,” Orlando grumbled before shooting another round of sneezes. His face and throat burned from the onslaught.

“You allergic to something?” Viggo asked. Orlando turned his reddened face towards him, and cautiously began to move closer to him. Orlando sniffed the air as he went, his nose twitching the closer he got to Viggo. Finally, when they were an inch apart, he sneezed again.

“Yeah, you.” Orlando answered. He wiped his nose off quickly, “I swear if I ever lose you on this island, I'd just smell you out. Follow my sneezes...”

“That's good. I know I won't lose you. You'd still be in the same spot looking over a map or something.” Viggo took the pen that Orlando pulled from his pocket.

“First we need that to figure out where we're going, what we're going to do, and how much time--”

“We're going to the Glass Reef.” Viggo said decisively, circling the first excursion that popped out from the list. Without even finishing the next list, he circled another item, “And we're getting there by riding bicycles.”

“This is what you call planning? Just randomly circling whatever--”

“And we're stopping at these sites,” Viggo said, circling more items. He smiled brightly and handed the pen and list to Orlando, “We have enough time. Let's go!”

“Wait a second,” Orlando whipped out his trusty watch and began setting the timer, “Ship leaves at 3:30. That means we have at least five hours to do these things you just randomly picked out.”

“Do you realize that you spent more time looking at that damn thing than I did 'planning' our day?” Viggo teased playfully. He spotted a small bike rental shop and hurried towards it, leaving Orlando jogging to catch up with him.

“I swear, I'll teach you how to use a watch before this cruise is done.” Orlando said defensively, power walking to keep up with Viggo's pace, “It only takes a moment to look at it,”

“A moment's a big deal when you're counting down,” Viggo replied softly, tugging at the camera danging around his neck, “No sense in wasting even a fraction of it.”

Before Orlando could refuse,Viggo had already handed the rental shop a wad of crumpled bills and retrieved two bicycles.

“Wait. You can't be serious,” Orlando said. He inspected the crusty, ancient bikes, fearing his safety, “We're going to ride around Key West in these?”

“Stop being such a kill joy. Get on. What are the stops I circled on the map? Poor old man can't remember.”

“Um...The Pirate Soul Museum...Afternoon Parasailing.” Orlando said, his voice faltering, “And Historic Key West Walking Tours...”

Orlando stared at the list, surprise and suspicion raising within him.

“Viggo, how did you know that I-Viggo?” He looked up from the list just in time to see Viggo riding off into the proverbial horizon.

“Hey!” Orlando shouted. He stuffed the list into his pocket and peddled off after his runaway companion.

“And I thought I was the old man,” Viggo laughed as Orlando puffed and huffed to catch up with him, “What's the matter kid? Am I wearing you out already?”

“Oh no,” Orlando replied, “Not by a long shot.” Viggo smiled when he caught a glimpse of genuine thrill in Orlando's eyes, the hint of a silent challenge.

“Last one to the that damn pirate museum pays the entrance fee,” Viggo declared. He pushed the bike harder and cut Orlando off, nearly tripping the young man's path.

“Guess it's your treat,” Orlando pounded his feet against the peddles as they raced down the broad, smooth pavement.

He quickly pushed his sunglasses up to get a better view of where Viggo was, only to have his senses bombarded with color. All around him the bright, vibrant world of Key West swept by. The tourists with their cameras and flowered prints, the locals with their wares and various gimmicks, even the cerulean sea to his left burst his vision with splashing waters and ships.

As he raced through the stretches of DuVal street, his heart began to melt from the overwhelming memories of happier days. The swift scents of classic tobacco cigars, grilling meat, and salty sea remained the same, as if the scents were permanently trapped in the old stones of the town. Like pleasant dreams, the signs and colors of the shops waved by, each image giving way to the next.

Even the choral shouts from tourist and entertainers seemed to echo in his ears, and for a moment he could almost hear the strong, lively laughter of his brother urging him forward...

// “Come on Orli! Bet you can't get to the fountain before I can!” //

Orlando's heart ached at the sudden memory. He could imagine his older brother, only fifteen at the time, laughing at the struggling eight year old who couldn't even peddle straight.

// “Wait up! Where are you? Eric! Don't leave me.” //

A soft smile eased into Orlando's face. He could laugh at himself now, but back then he was terrified of being left behind. After all, when you're a small child caught in the hustle and excitement of a strange new world, everything was terrifying...especially when you lose sight of the only person you knew.

//“ the baby scared?”//

Eric's bright eyes lit up in his mind. Even after so many years, his brother's face remained clear and unchanging. The wide, playful smile which once graced Eric's face still haunted him. It was the smile that never failed to assure him he was safe.

//“Come on baby brother. I'm right here. Why are you being a little cry baby?”//

Orlando's breath caught, and tight feeling surrounded his heart. His terrified, eight year old self had looked up into that beaming smile, that smile which drove away all his fears. And like a child, he'd pout stubbornly, not wanting his big brother to tease him for being so silly.

//“I'm not a cry baby.”//

//“Prove it then. Bet you can't catch me baby brother!”//

The memory smoothed and thrilled him all at once. A huge smile broke through his face. He felt like a kid again. The feeling suddenly fueled his need to go faster, to go fast and far from his worries and heartache...Orlando took a deep breath, soaking in his renewed surge of freedom. A sign swiftly coming closer made him skid the bike to a stop. A second later, Viggo has beside him.

“I win,” Orlando said matter-of-factly. He turned to the pirate museum once more, “But I don't think we'll have enough time to tour this...not if we're still going to the Glass Reef thing you circled...”


A distinct click snapped Orlando from his thoughts. Viggo took two more pics of the aging building, making sure to include the flapping pirate flag above. Outside, a man dressed in full pirate garb ushered visitors in. There was a real parrot waving it's bright green wings over the visitors, much to the guests' delight. Orlando smiled as a small child gasped in surprise as another pirate appeared from nowhere carrying a fistful of gold coins.

“You know...You'd make a good pirate.” Viggo said, casually spinning his bike around Orlando, “A very boring, stick-in-the-mud pirate.”

“Excuse me, but this very boring, stick-in-the-mud just beat you at a race.” Orlando replied, “And I'll do it again.”

Orlando kicked off, placed his footing on the peddles, and was down the road in an instant. Viggo was at his heels, constantly dodging and skidding to keep from crashing into the wandering crowds. He lost sight of Orlando when a short, sudden cry came ahead of him.

Orlando had been caught off guard by a jet of water leaping across the pavement. He skidded hard to stop himself from crashing into a crowd of street performers, but his foot slipped. He nearly fell forward, but managed to steady himself on time. Orlando stared at the fountain in the middle of the street with mild annoyance, as if blaming it for sprouting there for the sole purpose of trying to trip him.

“You ok?” Viggo asked as he stopped beside him.

“Yes,” Orlando replied, “I'm fi-fuck!” The fountain decided that it's wasn't done with Orlando and sprayed a jet of water straight at his chest.

Viggo watched as Orlando moved away from the stream only to be hit with another random jet. His face and shirt were soaked now, but instead of cursing like Viggo expected him too, he began to laugh.

It wasn't the sarcastic, scoffing kind of laugh. It was the contagious kind of laughter, the kind that made you smile for no reason. Orlando's eyes were lit with a sharp spark, and it was enough to change his image altogether. The stiff, overbearing, bitter man was gone, suddenly replaced by a laughing, giggling child.

Orlando's face was flushed and hot, but he still couldn't stop. Viggo feared that he might have finally cracked.

“What happened to you?” Viggo asked. Orlando held up a hand in confidence, his body still shaking from his giggles.

“Nothing...I just..It's stupid. Nevermind.” Orlando said, swaying back and forth on his bike.

“Come on. A few minutes ago you were last person I'd expect to act like this.” Viggo stared at the fountain, “Is there something in that water?”

“No,” Orlando finally calmed down, his voice quickly becoming settled and soft. He scooted closer to Viggo and pointed at the fountain, “I just realized that this exact thing happened before.”


“Yes, when I was eight. My family went here for vacation. My older brother and I were racing through the streets on our bikes. But I slipped and fell right here,” Orlando stomped his foot down on the spot, “Because that damn fountain decided to smack me with random jets. Damn thing got me twice before I toppled over like a sleeping brother helped me up.”

There was a strange, sad warmth in Orlando's face, as if the memory both pained and comforted him.

“I was such a fucking baby. I tried not to cry, because you know...real boys never cry.” Orlando continued, “To cheer me up he took me to that Pirate Museum we went to. That guy in the pirate outfit's probably the same one who toured us. It's not obvious, but I was such a pirate nerd when I was a kid. It sounds stupid...but that day was my favorite part of that entire vacation. After that, he took me to one those historic walk tours...I don't know how you knew that, or why you circled them on the list...but thanks anyway.”

“No need for thanks kid,” Viggo said, “It was just a random, lucky guess. But I'm glad to finally see emotions from you that don't involve throwing me to the sea.”

“Oh I can be very, very emotional.” Orlando warned playfully, “So don't toy with me old man.”

Viggo's laugh quickly broke into a string of coughs. With expert finesse he pulled a small, orange bottle from his cargo pocket. Opening the cap, he popped a pill into his mouth before gulping it down with a swing of water.

“Old man pills,” He explained, as if talking about the sky.

“What?” Orlando raised a curious eyebrow, not sure if he should be disturbed or intrigued.

“My middle-aged, old man pills,” Viggo repeated, returning the bottle to his pocket, “I'd drop dead without them.”

In the basking light, Orlando squinted his eyes to take a good look at Viggo's face. He was older than him, that was certain, but definitely still in his prime.

Orlando took a quick inventory. Strong face, strong jaw, strong hands, bright eyes, soft lips....Whatever old man pills he was talking about, it didn't look like he needed it. Not a bit...

Realizing that his eyes were wandering further and further south, Orlando looked away.

“So you've been in Key West before.” Viggo said, snapping pictures of the infamous fountain, “How come you didn't say anything before?”

“It's been years.” Orlando explained, “A lot of the stuff here is new.”

“Like that?” Viggo nodded to their left. A beautiful house emerged in Orlando's vision. Its white edifice seemed to glow even brighter in the sun. The leaning palm trees gracing it's front appeared to invite them in. The Bahamian style of the house settled nicely with the immense waterfront across the street, charmingly fashioned to welcome travelers after a day of frolicking in the beach. Right outside the polished porch, three couples waited patiently to be checked in. They were all men.

“That place has been here for years, but I think they've changed the name.” Orlando read off the green and gold sign mounted on the white fence, “Coconut's one of the most popular gay resorts in Key West. They only except male guests. Or so that's what I've been told.”

“I probably won't call for a reservation anytime soon,” Viggo replied, snapping another picture. He caught a snippet of Orlando's face with the second shot.

“Why?” Orlando asked, “You're not into men?” Viggo didn't answer for awhile, and the wait made Orlando's stomach tight in anticipation. He had a strong hunch that his companion was gay, simply because he allowed Orlando to use him as a barrier against that would-be stalker. But still, he wanted to be sure.

“I'm into people,” Viggo finally answered, “Women, men. As long as they're okay with me and no one gets hurt, it's all good. I just don't think this guesthouse is for me though.”

“Why not? I think it's cute.” Orlando said. Knowing Viggo was at least bi closed the gap between them just a little bit more. At least they were on the same page.

“Nah, too much company. I'm not into the live audience kink.”

“Same here,” Orlando smiled in agreement, “I'd rather go to a private island, like the one off the coast of Fort Lauderdale. There's a resort there where you can rent out a small island for a week. It's very secluded so it's private. Just you and yours. Never been there myself though. Guess I've been too busy thinking about it that I've never actually went. But I''ll get there some day. I must.”

“I don't know, sounds kinda pricey.”

“But it's bound to be worth it. But then again I heard some wonderful things about the Palawan resorts in-”

Orlando was cut off by Viggo's laughter.

“Wait a second...are you making plans with me?” Viggo asked with a playful wink.

“Excuse me?” Orlando tossed his head to the side in an exaggerated show of disgust, “Me? Making plans with you?”

“Definitely sounded like it,” Viggo replied, “You know, for someone who didn't want anything, not even friendship, you're kinda taking things a bit too fast.”

“Too fast huh? This coming from the guy who can't even spare a second to look at a watch.” Orlando's rich, brown eyes seemed to glow with mischief.

Viggo quickly remembered something Orlando once said in his drunken slurs last night...something about his former ability to seduce without even trying. Viggo wondered if that skill was making a comeback. He didn't realize how deeply he stared at Orlando, or how eager he looked until the younger man spoke again.

“Sure you didn't overdose on those old man pills?” Orlando teased with a slight curl of his lips.


“Gentlemen, we're right at the edge of the reefs now. Just look below and you'll see several schools of fish. They're a bit feistier than usual. Must be something in the water again.” The man at the boat's steering wheel pointed to the floor. The boat's floor was made of clear glass, allowing visitors to peer through the waters into the twisting, colorful reefs below.

“Incredible,” Orlando was on his hands and knees, his nose nearly touching the glass floor, “Vig, you gotta come see this.”

Viggo chuckled at his companion's enthusiasm. Orlando's personality had completely changed since their first encounter. He was acting more and more like a fun-loving, playful kid than a planner-obsessed stiff neck. The transformation intrigued Viggo, unsure if it was Key West or himself that prompted the strange change...or perhaps both.

They had spent nearly two hours riding around the shores of Key West, with no particular destination in mind. At first he'd wanted to continue with the parasailing and walk tours, but Orlando politely declined. Viggo guessed it was probably to distance himself from whatever memories Orlando wanted to stay hidden. What he did know without a doubt, was that Key West was very dear to Orlando. There was something about the island that seemed to comfort and ease him, something about the sea and sunlight that calmed the creases from his beautiful face.

He saw the epitome of Orlando's transformation when they finally reached The Glass Reef. The Glass Reef was a small, pristine line of boats all sporting the same see-through floors. The company's concept was to provide families with an opportunity to see the reefs and fishes without actually having to get into the water to disturb the natural habitat. At least that's what the initial premise was. What most visitors didn't know was that the company also provided private bookings for couples. So Viggo had purchased a small boat for two, brilliantly hiding the immense price tag from Orlando. One of the workers had accompanied them for insurance purposes, and for the most part he was turning out to be an excellent tour guide.

During the first few minutes of their boat ride, Orlando's defenses dropped like lead. The sheer, shining blue surrounding them thrilled him, and it definitely showed. He had began to ask questions about the reefs, the wildlife, and of course...pirates. The tour guide was more than happy to answer them all. And Orlando' showed no signs of slowing down.

“Vig, you need to come see this! There's a crazy ball of green fish chasing the blue ones away. Hurry before they all leave!”

Unbeknownst to Orlando, missing the droves of fish was the least of Viggo's worries.

Viggo's eyes shut from sudden pain. A sharp jab resonated through him, cutting of his breath like a knife. His hand went straight to his chest, over his treacherous heart. He began to breathe in fast pain, grateful for the boat's engine that dulled his rapid gasps. With shaking hands he pulled the orange bottle from his pocket, popped two pills in his mouth and swallowed. The pain spread through him once more, as if arching for one last bite at his nerves before finally fading.

“ missed it,” Orlando said, he suddenly jabbed the glass with his hands again, his wide eyes catching a new creature to admire, “Is that a...a sting ray? Are there stingrays here? Oh look! There's a cute little yellow fish right's so tiny, I can barely see it.”

“Sounds like you've never seen fish before,” Viggo said, his chest still heaving. He turned away from Orlando, fearing that his face would betray the lingering jabs of pain within him. He breathed slowly, deeply, and for a moment he wondered what would happen if he just dropped dead right then and there.

“On a sandwich, but never like this,” Orlando said, transfixed by the swarms of color beneath, “There's just so many. It's like if we dove right in there, there won't be any more room to move. Good god, look at those corals! It looks like another world down there.”

“It's looks great from above, but it's even better when it's all around you.” The boatman said, he ventured from the wheel and took out a pair of snorkels, “Go ahead and have a swim. Just don't touch any of the corals though, the island's really strict about keeping as much of it in tact.”

“No worries there,” Orlando said, taking the snorkels. His hands itched in anticipation. He glanced up at Viggo with a slight frown, “Vig?”

“Yes?” Viggo spun around quickly, hoping that Orlando wouldn't notice how short of breath he still was.

“Scared of the water?Why aren't you in your trunks yet? Hurry up.” Orlando smiled and handed him a snorkel, “Come with me.”

Viggo tried very, very, hard not to misinterpret those words.

“Come with you?”

“Yeah, down there.” Orlando pointed to the reefs eagerly, “Please?”

The bright, wide, brown eyes proved difficult to resist. But still, the dull prangs inside his chest made Viggo reluctant to give way.

“Sorry kid,” Viggo answered with a shrug. He handed his camera to Orlando, “Here. It's designed to handle underwater use. Take some pics for me.”

“If you say so...” Orlando accepted the camera, attempting one last plea before snapping his snorkel on. He slid into the cool, clear water, not knowing that Viggo's eyes were still intently watching him. The older man watched the lithe, young body glide through the gentle laps of water, the snorkel bobbing over the surface.

“So different.” Viggo observed, “Like he's completely changed.”

“The Keys have a way of doing that to people,” The crewman said. He took two drinks from the small refrigerator behind the seats and handed one to Viggo.

Viggo accepted, but didn't open the can of soda. His heart was still recovering from the faint remnants of pain. His hand glanced over the medicine bottle in his pocket, wondering if he'd brought enough to last the trip. He shook his head. No time for worrying about that now. Right now, he'd simply enjoy the painless pleasure of the sea...and of course, Orlando.

As an artist, Viggo was used to finding pleasure simply by watching things, to just lay back and bask in the beauty the world had to offer. But watching Orlando was different, something he couldn't quite describe. There was a mysterious strength and bitterness about the young man, but there was also hidden laughter and joy. Watching Orlando was like observing the sunlight on water, never still, always changing, and undeniably beautiful.

“No. None of that old man,” Viggo reminded himself softly, “Can't drag that boy into your mess. He's
already got a lot on his mind.”

But still he continued to watch. Orlando's form was highlighted in the sun against the blue-green of the sea, making him stand out among the swarming creatures beneath. Viggo wished he could take a picture. He wanted to capture the image before him--the complete serenity of the sun, water, and this beautiful youth. But he didn't. He couldn't. Not if he wanted to continue on as he always commits, no regrets, no broken hearts to leave behind.

He tore his gaze from Orlando. He went to the food compartment and distracted himself by picking out the nuts from a bag of mix.

Before long, Orlando plopped back into the boat. He scooted over to where Viggo diligently worked, the salty water dripping and pooling all over the place.

“I'm starving! Swimming takes a lot out of you, you know.” Orlando said excitedly, ripping off the snorkel from his face. His hair swashed in the motion, sprinkling drops of water into Viggo's face. Viggo turned to scold him a bit, but all words escaped him for a moment. The incredible smile that filled Orlando's face awakened all his senses. The water dripping down accentuated every curve and line of Orlando's slowly tanning body, tracing the paths of his physical perfection...well, almost perfect.

“Does it hurt?” Viggo asked gently, nodding towards the long, ugly scar that marred Orlando's back.

“No. It's nothing to worry about.” Orlando said . His smile vanished, embarrassed at having revealed such a hideous thing, “I'm alright.”

“Hungry?” Viggo offered the pile he'd separated from the nuts. He offered him a mini pretzel, “It's not much, but it'll do for now. We can stuff ourselves on the buffet later.”

“You did this yourself?” Orlando asked suspiciously, eying the pile of abandoned nuts.

“Yup. I was bored.” Viggo shrugged. Orlando took a pretzel and ate it slowly, unsure of how to say what plagued his mind. After a few minutes of eating in silence, Orlando finally spoke.

“Are you a fucking mind reader or something?” Orlando asked, his eyes squinted in the glaring light, trying to look for anything that might give Viggo away.

“What makes up say that?” Viggo asked in reply.

“You know my favorite childhood's like you understand what it means for me to see that Pirate Museum and fountain again. And those things you circled on the list...I haven't told many people that I've always wanted to try parasailing and snorkeling. And now this!” Orlando pointed accusingly at the separated food, “I'm allergic to nuts. Especially these little annoying ones that come in mixes. I've never met you before, so why does it seem like you know so much about me?”

“Maybe we did meet before.” Viggo joked, “In a former life.”

“You know what? I should be paranoid that a man I just met a few hours ago knows so much about me. But for some crazy reason I'm not.”

Viggo was taken aback when he felt Orlando slide closer to him.

“Who are you really?” Orlando asked, “Did my godfather hire you to follow me around to make sure I won't hurt myself? Were you only pretending to be this nice to me?”

“No.” Viggo said honestly, “I'm nice to you because I want to. As for knowing everything about you Orlando...I'm just a lucky guesser. There's no magic to it. But if I have to, I really can be an excellent pretender. I'm very good at it.”

“Are you?”

“If I need to.” Viggo said. One of his hands strayed to far and brushed against Orlando's. He swiftly pulled back from the touch, his face indifferent though his nerves were curling for more.

“Could you pretend to fall in love with me?”

Viggo's eyes widened at the question, spoken so softly it was barely a whisper. Orlando's eyes were serious now, deep and waiting.

“Can you?” Viggo replied. Orlando broke out into a string of giggles. A short sneeze broke through his laughter.

“You're not the only one who can pretend, old man. I took theatre back in the day.” Orlando said, “Bet you didn't know that one. The Great Pretender! That's what they used to call me.”

“Better be careful kid,” Viggo said, swiping the wet, thick curls from Orlando's eyes, “Or else all this pretending could make you fall in love with me for real.”

“Ha!” Orlando pushed him gently away, “You wish old man.”

Viggo realized that he already had.

“Please come with me to the reefs. You don't know what you're missing.” Orlando took Viggo by the hand and helped him up. This time Viggo didn't resist.

As Viggo got ready, he watched Orlando peering over the edge of the small boat. Viggo knew it wasn't fair. It wasn't right. He shouldn't encourage whatever it was that pulled them together...because he knew sooner or later he'd have to cut the ties between them. And yet he couldn't allow this chance to pass. He might never see Orlando again after this trip, but he had this time, this day...and he wouldn't waste it.

“It's better to drown with company,” Orlando said, slipping once again into the sea. He hissed at the renewed cold that surrounded him. He reached out to Viggo, his hand open in invitation.

“You'll be the death of me, kid.” Viggo sighed, took Orlando's hand, and joined him in the water.

“Fuck, it's freezing!” Viggo yelped, the cold water lapping around his neck. The snorkel felt like it was suffocating him.

“You'll get used to it.” Orlando assured him. He pulled him over to where a dark form settled beneath the waves. They glided together, their hands still intertwined.

“Look down. I dare you not to be amazed.” Orlando said, encouraging Viggo with a slight nod down. Viggo did as he was told. One moment he was in the blazing the sun, the next he was enraptured by quiet, calm, cold sea. He dove down a bit further, his eyes sprinting back and forth as countless little fish dashed in and out of the winding corals. He felt suspended in space, looking down at the curious new realm below him.

He kicked back as a line of fat fish with yellow spots swung around like a string of bobbing soldiers. Orlando was beside him, clicking pictures of the humorous dance beneath them. They traveled on as creatures of all colors swarmed around them, some shy and others defiant. One stubborn fish poked at Viggo's foot twice before darting away.

To their left, a bouncing turtle flapped lazily in the water. Orlando drifted close to it. The creature speed away like a rocket, disturbing the already chaotic dance of the fish.

A grey shadow swept softly beneath the fray, its great pale wings drifted up and down gently. Orlando darted so fast in alarm that he bumped hard into Viggo. The older man wrapped an arm around his companion and pointed down to the mysterious wings. A small stingray slid harmlessly by, it's pale wings soon disappearing from sight. The look Viggo gave Orlando said it all.

//See? Nothing to be scared of.//

Orlando sank into Viggo's arm a bit more, leaning gently in thanks. It was a simple act of gratitude, but neither permitted the intimate contact to last for too long. Viggo took the camera from Orlando and began a series of photos. He took shots of the teaming fish, the odd abstract corals, and the occasional sting ray that glided about. Soon however, he noticed that the Orlando's form filled more and more of the pictures, and after awhile it was only Orlando he saw through the camera's eye.

Orlando took off the snorkel that shielded his face, unknowing that he was the object of Viggo's latest photo project. Viggo took the chance and snapped a picture of Orlando. The beams of light shot down through the waters, making Orlando appear to be caught in a clear, blue chamber speared with columns. A faded hint of coral and fish appeared in the picture, giving the image a surreal, almost spiritual feeling.

The moment was broken too soon. Orlando rose up above the waters, leaving Viggo alone in the sea's eerie silence.

Alone. Just like he would be in the end.

Viggo kicked his feet softly, allowing his body to float quietly over the reefs below. It was such a colorful world, blue, green, red, orange, and yellow all displayed before full of life.

His body floated away, the water drifting him where it willed. He wondered if it would be like this. If this is what it felt like to let go completely; to simply float further and further away...

But he knew it couldn't be this bright. No. Things that had life were bright. One day he'll see nothing but darkness, and hear nothing but utter silence, not a stir of life below or above him...but that day was not today. He snapped from his daydream and bobbed his head towards the surface.

“There you are. I thought you drifted off.” Orlando said. Viggo swam towards him, gently taking the younger man's hand into his own. Together they ventured back to the boat.

Viggo kept his thoughts focused on the day he had, not the days to come. For today he was basking in a sea of light, with Orlando holding his hand. He wondered if this would be the last thing he'd remember.

“Vig?” Orlando asked, his voice laced with worry.

“I'm fine.” Viggo said quickly, “Just a bit chilled from the water.”

“Huh?” Orlando's brows narrowed in confusion, “I was taking about that.”

The young man pointed towards a ship in the distance. The fading blast of the ship's horn could be over the waters.

“Isn't that our cruise? What time is it?” Orlando glanced at his wrist, only to find a faint tan line where his watch should be, “Oh fuck.”

Orlando spun around and ducked back into the water, frantically searching for his missing treasure.

“Hey, didn't you two say you had to be back by 3:30?” The crew man shouted from the glass boat, “It's nearly 3:00 right now. You two better get back, or they'll leave you.”

“Fuck. Viggo, my watch--” Orlando babbled. He cursed in frustration, “I had it with me the whole fucking time. How could it just vanish like that? I'll never find it in time.”

“Look, it's just a watch. It not going to stop that ship for us. We need to get back to shore, return our bikes, and get on that damn ship pretty quickly. We have to leave now.”

“But my watch-”

“Just let it go,” Viggo said kindly, “You survived the entire day without one. What's a few more hours?”

Orlando glanced back at the sea, sighed, and finally followed Viggo back to the boat.

“You know...I thought about trashing it before, but I guess I was too attached. Stupid sentimental value and all.” Orlando laughed weakly, his body swirled once last time in the water before ascending to the boat.

“Maybe it's meant to be,” Viggo said, following him up.

“Yeah. Maybe.” Orlando said, seating beside him. He looked back one more time. He thought about where his watch had drifted to, possibly buried in the softly rolling sands. He didn't want to tell Viggo just how much that damn watch once meant to him, after all he'd already told the man enough about his sorry life. Besides, it was better this simply bury the past behind, both the watch and the man who gave it to him. Orlando put up a brave face, though his eyes began to quiver.

Soon the boat was speeding off for the shore. Although they were wrapped in sunlight, the ocean breeze sent a slight chill over them. Orlando rested his weary, drenched head on Viggo's shoulders. He breathed deeply, allowing himself to drift into a fragile dream. Viggo remained silent and thoughtful, not even stirring when Orlando's thick teardrops slowly dripped into his skin.


Orlando leaned against the railings of his balcony as he watched Key West fade into the horizon. Even from the distance, he could still see the bright colors of Mallory Square waving him to return. Once the island disappeared from sight, he pulled his robe tightly against the wind and journeyed back inside.

They had barely made it. The ship had all but left them behind. They literally only had a second to spare before the dock was closed. Orlando's robe slid onto the floor, leaving him bare and flushed. He slipped into an immense bathtub, filled it, and sank beneath the water.

He thought about how close they had been to being stranded on that island, and Orlando realized that he honestly wouldn't have minded that at all. For once, he admitted that Viggo was becoming less of an escape mechanism. He genuinely wanted to spend time with the man, not because he provided a distraction, but because he felt, alive...

He closed his eyes as his hands graced over the surface of the water. He imagined that he was back at sea, floating above the reefs, his hand wrapped tightly with Viggo's. There was something other-worldly about that strange man; something about him that allowed Orlando to breathe and smile. He could be silly around Viggo, he didn't have to be on his best behavior, he didn't have to worry about who might be looking.

He recalled Viggo's touch beneath the water, how it spread strength and heat through his skin. The feeling of the older man's hands on him, innocent as they were, had stabbed shots of fire through his bones.

Orlando's fingers sank beneath the water to caress the swelling between his thighs. He moaned softly. Guilt rolled off his tongue as he whispered Viggo's name.

His long-neglected shaft reacted hungrily to his own touches. His lithe body quickened in response. Orlando arched back as he imagined Viggo's hands on him once more, exploring him in ways only a lover could. His breath hitched as he tightened his grip. Painfully, slowly, he began to slide his hand up and down his cock. Orlando cried out as he pumped himself full, thinking back on Viggo's hands and lips. How gentle and soft they seemed, only to become hard the next wonderful it would feel if those hands and lips ravished him now...hardening and filling him to the point of pain. He'd feel so hot beneath that hard completely enthralled in their wild love-making...

Orlando threw his head back, crying soundlessly as his fantasy swiftly brought release. His breathing remained fast and uneven, dreading to stop least he faint. Once the pleasure subsided, he sat back in disgust. He brushed the dangling strands of hair away from his eyes, clearly seeing the mess he'd made. His face tightened with dull anger.

“Damn it Orlando!” With a swift motion he unclogged the bathtub, allowing the water to drain away the evidence of what a little, useless whore he really was.

“Just had to fucking bring him into this, didn't you? You fucking slut.” Orlando screamed into his chest as the tears began to flow. The hot cries flowed freely, and he quickly turned the water on again to wash once more. He scrubbed furiously, jabbing into his tender flesh mercilessly as if to punish himself.

But still he could not feel clean. Instead, he felt every bit the slut he was, his treacherous mind conjuring images of him and Viggo locked in the shower...Viggo easing his pain with blissful pleasure.

“Stop it.” Orlando warned himself bitterly, “He'd want nothing to do with you...not if he finds out..”

He wiped the tears from his face. He didn't regret going with Viggo, he would never change that decision if he had the chance. He was swiftly falling for the man, hard and fast. But he couldn't tell him...he couldn't risk whatever fragile friendship he might have earned. And he dared not ask for anything more.


Orlando glanced at the clock once more. Viggo said they'd meet by the elevator nearly fifteen minutes ago. Orlando's stomach growled in protest. He was starving, and the other guests walking around with faces smothered in ice cream certainly didn't help. He tapped his foot impatiently in a failed attempt to distract his mind from wandering off. The last thing he needed was a full-hard on in the middle of a busy hallway.

“Hey there!” Viggo raced towards him with an apologetic grin.

“About time,” Orlando said tightly, his eyes basking in this new image of Viggo. The man still looked rugged and rough, but at least he smelled better. Orlando sneezed a bit before punching the elevator button.

“Sorry about that. Got an emergency call from the Doc.”

“Doc?” Orlando's face grew pale.

“Yeah, know, like doctor?” Viggo explained. Orlando recomposed himself and stepped into the waiting elevator. He pressed the button for level four, where the reservations for their restaurant waited.

“Are you alright?” Orlando asked, the question verging on demand.

“I feel great,” Viggo said, casually stepping off into the fourth level. The elevator chimed shut behind them, “Just hungry, that's all.”

“Is there anything else? About the doctor?” Orlando asked again.

“I'm not involved with him if that's what you mean.” Viggo joked, “Now where's this Portofino Restaurant supposed to be?”

“Viggo, I'm not in the mood for jokes. So just fucking answer me,”

Viggo stopped and stared at Orlando's face. The young man's gaze was piercing. There wasn't a trace of amusement in his searching eyes.

“Are you sick?”

The question fell like a hammer.

Orlando waited and watched, alert to any sign that might confirm the worst. Viggo gently pushed him down the hall, to where less people could hear. In the seclusion of that spot, he looked Orlando right in the eyes and answered.

“Yes.” Viggo forced the words out. He stood his ground and continued to look at Orlando. Guilt filled him when he saw the shock cross Orlando's face. Still he continued.

“I have a congenital atrial septal defect, which is a fancy way of saying that I was born with a hole in my heart.” Viggo explained, “It keeps the oxgen-rich blood from pumping to the rest of the all kinda flows back into the lungs rather than out. The blood get's through eventually, but it takes awhile. It puts a lot of strain on me.”

“My god...” Orlando remembered how Viggo had gasped for air when they stopped by fountain, how he'd coughed and groaned.

“That's why I get exhausted so easily, and why I didn't want to get into the water at first. Those pills you saw me take earlier keep me from heart failure...for now at least. I've been to so many doctors I know the prognosis by heart.”

“Viggo...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you to go in with me-”

“I'm dying.” Viggo said, his voice caught between a laugh and a sob, “No pun intended. They tried everything. I've had so many failed surgeries trying to fix it, that they finally gave up.”

Orlando's mouth was open in shock. He felt warmth flooding his eyes. His hands roughly wiped the tears before they fell. He tried to find words to apologize for pushing Viggo too far. But what could he do? What could he say? What could he-

Viggo's burst of laughter broke his thoughts.

“Awww...look at you, so concerned,” Viggo teased, tasseling Orlando's thick curls playfully. He winked brightly, “Why so serious?”

Orlando was stunned silent by Viggo's change.

“Look, no worries,” Viggo pounded a heavy fist against his chest, “See? Solid as steel. It was just a joke.”

“Not for me.” Orlando snapped. His anger bit deeply, “Not funny.”

Orlando shoved Viggo aside and rushed off. Viggo stared after the young man, unsure of whither to follow him or not.

“Fuck. Great job Mortensen. Great fucking job.”


A/N: Next stop...Cozumel :) For those interested to see the original music video for the movie this was based from, you can find it at Just don't read the comments people leave, cause it might spoil the ending for you. Thanks :)

au, all my life

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