Welcoming our newest baby!

Apr 08, 2012 18:46

We brought our new little one home on Tuesday and she is settling in just fine. She is a fur-ball of pure energy and a beautiful "child"! Her name is Gracie and she is a 10 week old Japanese Chin (they used to be called a Japanese Spaniel) and are related to Pekingese. She will weigh around 7 lbs when full grown. Our 11 y/o Peke, Jessie, has been alternating between mothering her and being jealous of her! Molly, our 15 y/o Silky Terrier is getting along fine with her as well. As I've mentioned before, Molly has Cushings disease and takes medicine for it, and has been doing ok, althought she is increasingly having syncopal episodes and the vet is not sure if they are seizures of mini-strokes. We know she will not be with us much longer and decided it would be good for Jessie and for us, to have a new little one in the home. It's been a year and a half since Meggie died and I still miss her so much. Isn't it amazing how much these little creatures touch our hearts and lives?


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