
Feb 27, 2014 11:50

i started the BOB 7-0, getting Gibsonized in the process, against some pretty tough competition. i felt extremely lucky (my games are on cross-tables so you can see for yourself), and for the final game i had a real shot at top 10 in North America but i feel like i blew it by getting too fancy:

in any case i'm happy with how i played for the most part as i'm slowly getting better. i vowed that i wouldn't play nationals last year unless i made a concerted effort to learn all the words, yet i've already signed up for it this year. for time reasons i'm going to revise my vow to say top 15K 7s and 8s (alphagrams), as well as the short words? that plus the low prob stuff i already know should cover 90+% of what i'll play hopefully. i've already gone through most of the top 15K 7s & 8s by alphagram once since nationals, i'm going to go through them all over again in the next couple months and then go through the ones i missed as well as the shorter words afterwards. i have to place at nationals already.
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