Ten Things That Are Almost Absolutely True About Martha Jones, and One Thing That's True About the Doctor
by Branwyn
fandom: Doctor Who
characters/pairings: Martha, the Doctor, Francine, Jack, Ianto
rating: PG
notes: It started off as a regular old list, and then turned into something more like a narrative.
2.) But then Martha took up with the Doctor, which is practically the same thing, only a million times worse. )
I can't believe I've not read a fic yet based on #10. Does anyone know of one out there that deals with how Adeola's death would look on a tape?
If cesario doesn't mind me using it, I can easily incorporate that into my LoM Holiday ficafest story - it would fit very well with the story that I've got planned and will give me somewhere to "place" the story within Martha's timeline...
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