Aug 15, 2005 07:59
Israel has started to pull out of a small portion of the lands they have illegally occupied since 1967. North America news sources are inundated with images of Israeli settlers crying and begging not to be evicted. They should blame their government for allowing them to settle there in the first place - they were never supposed to settle in the land that they seized in 1967.
We will see how this goes. I don't think Israel has any intention of going back to the 1967 borders and I don't really think they will give up any more of the West Bank either. Gaza will become an overcrowded ghetto and Israel will just be able to throw up its hands and say "Well look, we gave up land in 2005 to attain peace" and we will all swallow it hook line and sinker because the media and the US government tells us to.
I hate this whole fucking thing. It will never settle and both sides are wrong - I just hate the western bias against the Palestinians - you hear about the Palestinian suicide bombers (and really, how else are they supposed to compete against US supplied artillery when they have nothing?) killing innocents in our media but you rarely if ever hear of the innocent people disenfranchised or killed by the Israelis.
I have always been one to pull for the underdog I guess.
EDIT: Before I get accused I would like to state definitively that I am not an anti-Semite. The horribly flawed perception in the western world seems to be unless you support Israel you are racist. I hate that reasoning but it apparently works. Fuck that perception.
middle east