Title: Magical Me
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Gilderoy Lockhart/Gilderoy Lockhart
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: It was hard to be modest when you were as great as he.
Author’s Notes: Crack!drabble. Written for
rarepair_shortsChallenge Five.
The tip of his peacock quill tipped off the T with a curl, and Gilderoy Lockhart handed the book back to the scarlet woman at the head of the flushing queue. Their admiring swoons prompted a treat, and he conjured his most charming smile. Being Witch Weekly’s award-winning wizard five times in a row, who was he to deny that gift to them? “Oh, Gilderoy, you’re simply the charmer. Certainly Mrs. Lockhart doesn’t appreciate your spoiling us.”
“No missus, my dear,” He winked in the direction to the mirror by his side. Only the reflection could match his alluring magnetism.