The Borgias Season 1 in Review Meme (Cesare/Lucrezia Edition)

May 25, 2011 19:03

Here is The Borgias Season 1 in Review Meme! Copy and fill out the meme below, and let's see what everyone's thoughts about this season and favorites were, especially regarding our dear ship! ;)

General Series Questions

Favorite Episode:
Favorite Character(s):
Favorite Ships ( Read more... )

meme, discussion, season 1, season 2

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oresteia May 25 2011, 23:39:51 UTC
General Series Questions

Favorite Episode: The first two, because they generally stick with me the most.
Favorite Character(s): Cesare, Lucrezia, Rodrigo, The French King
Favorite Ships besides C/L: N/A
Favorite Actor(s)/Performance(s): Jeremy Irons
Best HBIC: Guilia
Best Troll: Giovanni
Giulia or Vanozza? Or Both? Neither

Cesare&Lucrezia Questions:

Favorite C/L moment/scene: When she asks about getting married and he promised he'd hurt whoever would dare hurt her
Favorite C/L line: I have no idea
Scene you would have liked to see between them this season (filler, etc): something a little more towards the rumours ***
Best Lucrezia outfit/hairdo combo: I liked the blue thing she rode into rome on
Cardinal Robes or Leather Pants for Cesare? Both. What kind of question is that really? Naked preferably but however he comes.


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oresteia May 26 2011, 01:05:15 UTC
YES! Vote number 1!


sherrilina May 26 2011, 00:11:03 UTC
What kind of question is that really? Naked preferably but however he comes.

Ah yes, I forgot about that third option, I suppose because it didn't happen much this season! ;) (And the one scene it did I preferred to forget, lol).


oresteia May 26 2011, 01:04:59 UTC
it happens... but don't worry I thought of it for you.

I think I've forgotten too, is that bad?


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oresteia May 26 2011, 01:04:10 UTC
people sometimes forget things they should truthfully remember.


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