Holiday Gift Exchange for honeymink

Jan 12, 2013 23:38

Title: Untitled.
Author twenties_girl
Pairing/Characters: Juan, Lucrezia, Cesare
Rating: None really, it's kind of alright for everyone. Implied stuff so erm...PG? heh
Word Count: 592
Summary: Juan catches Lucrezia spying on Cesare as he gets er...busy...with a lady. She asks him for advice on how she can attract men, the same way Cesare is able to attract so many women. Setting, S1 just before Lucrezia marries Giovanni Sforza.
Warnings/Content Notes: This is really rubbish, I'm so sorry but I've been quite ill this week so have been really struggling with this. I could do a lot better. And because of this I wasn't able to go anywhere near the historical idea I wanted to. Sorry hun. I also have no idea what's going on with the font size...*crawls back to bed*

The sun beat down upon the gardens of the Palazzo as Juan Borgia leant against the wall, hidden slightly by the shade of the building. It was another hot day in the Roman summer and he clutched a decanter of wine, knocking it back in large gulps. If he was honest the wine didn’t help cool him down, but it did help him get off his face. And that was always good. Across the garden he spied his angelic sister standing on her tip-toes gazing through a window, the sunlight reflecting off her long golden hair. He heard her giggling, heard something that sounded like his brother moaning from inside the room Lucrezia was looking into. Smirking, he wandered over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She squeaked, jumping and turning, “JUAN! You frightened me!”

Laughing, he pulled her away from the window, “Are you spying on our dear brother again?”

She giggled, skipping over to the table and plonking herself down, “I would never do that”

Juan shook his head and took a seat opposite her, “Sister, you’re going to be married soon…you must stop these childish fancies…”

She turned to him, her big brown eyes wide, “Yes Juan. But…but Cesare is so good at making women want him. He’s always got women in his bed, and he’s a priest! Will my husband…make me want him the way women love Cesare?”

Pouring two cups of wine, Juan handed her one and looked at her, “Marriage is…different, Lucrezia.”

“Different how?”

Juan grew quiet for a moment, trying and failing to block out the sounds coming from his brothers rooms, “Different in that…marriage is more often than not about politics. There probably won’t be any sort of love in your marriage…”

“But mama and papa loved each other…”

He held his hand up to silence her, “They weren’t married. It was all about passion. Lucrezia, you must be aware that when you marry Giovanni Sforza, there will be little passion there…your duty will be to provide him with an heir. But that won’t stop you from…” he smirked, “Finding pleasure elsewhere…”

She watched him intently for a moment, “And how do I do that? How do I get a man to fall for me, the way those girls fall for Cesare?”

With a sigh, Juan leant forward, “You’ve seen the girls in the market. The girls who are the same age as you, who you have commented seem so much older than you…” he shrugged, “Be like them…get rid of your innocence dear sis, you’re a beautiful girl…do that and the men will fall at your feet…”

He trailed off then, hearing the door to his brothers rooms open. Looking over he saw Cesare stalk out into the gardens towards them with his hair dishevelled. He couldn’t help the mischievous smirk that crept over his face as his brother flopped down in a chair beside him.

“What are you two plotting?” Cesare asked wearily

Lucrezia giggled, “Juan is just telling me how I can…have men fall at my feet in the same way as you have women…”

Cesare shot his brother a withering glare and took Lucrezia’s hand, standing up, “I would have you innocent a while longer Sis…come, it is time for us to go and see our father…”

With eyes sparkling mischievously Lucrezia Borgia stood up, her hand clasped in her brothers and swept from the gardens. Juan sat there for a moment before chuckling to himself, pouring another glass of wine and knocking it back without a second thought.

holiday gift exchange, fanfiction, cesare borgia, lucrezia borgia, season 1

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