(no subject)

Apr 28, 2012 00:30

No work on Monday or Tuesday, 4 day weekend! Off to mom's today for celebrating my birthday with the rest of my relatives. Hopefully the weather guru is on my side today. It feels a little bit silly still walking around with a wintercoat and a scarf. Warm weather now please!

And now, a character meme!

1. Comment on this post with I VOLUNTEER!
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

jyusan gave me the letter D

The Doctor (Star Trek Voyager)

I grew to like this character over the seasons of Voyager, and by the end of the show, he became one of my favorite characters of the show. They really managed to flesh out this character throughout the years, going from a badside mannared holographic pain-in-the-ass doctor who complained a lot, to a sociable likeable character, who had a family, and developed feelings and all.

"Missing! The captain is missing! It seems I've found myself on the voyage of the damned."

The Doctor (Doctor Who)

It's a tie, I keep jumping back and fro between these two doctors. 9th was my first, but grew really fond of 10 (albeit, he had to work a little bit for me to get his attention after the regeneration), but then when I look back at 9th, yeah. he's clearly better.. but then 10 is so good.. yeah. you get the drill. To make it easier, it's a tie :P


Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)

She started out as a weak character, who obeyed whatever her brother told or did to her and was afraid to speak up. But during the course of the first season she found some steady legs, and became a more independent woman. Can't wait what's in store for her :) Also, cute dragons gives bonuspoints ;)

"I have never been nothing. I am the blood of the dragon."

Dave Brewer (Mcleod's Daughters)

The goofy and quirky veterinarian who looks on the bright side of things. Always had a joke or two up his sleeves. I was a bit disappointed as he really didn't get a good ending on the show, he deserved that. But he became a favorite from the first episode he appeared in.

Data (Star Trek TNG)

There would be no TNG without Data, that's a fact. But then again, same goes for almost all other characters as well on the show :D It's the same with Voyager's Doctor, going from a android who doesn't understood the human world and wants to learn about humanity. I guess I have a soft spot for these characters :) (And I also ran out of D-characters :P)

"If you prick me, do I not... leak?"

life, meme

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