Been a while since actually saw a movie! So, on a bored sunday evening, I went to and browsed their "free to view" movies, and I setttled on this one.
Christiane F. (Wir kinder vom Bahnof Zoo) (loosely translated: 'We kids from Bahnof Zoo')
imdb.comBased on a true story. It's about 13 year old, bored girl (Christiane). Her mom's been neglecting her for her new boyfriend. Her younger sister, fed up with her mom, moves to her dad instead. Leaving Christiane alone with her mom.
And a bored teenager, fascinated with this new nightclub/disco/movie theater (it's confusing.. it had a bartender, disco place, and a movie theater, all in one), and by her classmate's help, she manages to get inside this disco (16 year limit) and meet this group of people - who's doing drugs. At first she was very anti, but feeling left out, she decides to try. (and also to impress a boy).
It was only "light" drugs ('Angel dust') at first which later on progressed into heroine. We could see her struggles at first to not end up addicted, but failed quite fast. With her boyfriend prostituting himself for money to get a fix - she also ends up in that circle.
14 years old - heroine addict and a prostitute. (as far as it was revealed, she never slept with anyone, just blowjobs, handjobs and other odd fetish desires.)
She actually quit the drugs once in the movie, with her boyfriend. But they weren't clean for more then 1-2 days, until their friends was going "for their last fix", and they asked if the had some over for them. It's only once more, it's managable, yes? Yeah, not so much. They also saw one of their friends dead in bed, with a needle in his arms.
I kind of liked this movie though. It portrays the drug scene in Germany, in the 70's. And it's hard to imagine she was only 14 years old when all this happened, everything she did and had to do. It's kind of "dirty" movie, as in we get a peek into the dark side of the drugs, what it does to someone and getting caught in this circle and never being able to get out. Their cold turkey scenes was less then entertaining, I had to really look away at some parts.
There were only 2 things I had problems with:
1) I'm no expert on drug usage, but can you really quit cold turkey after using heroine for weeks and maybe even months? Aside from the nasty withdrawal symptoms, I would assume it had some impact on the heart at least? Isn't it kind of dangerous, and it's better if you decrease the use in portions during a longer period of time? Granted, it was in 70's and maybe not as familiar with detox programes as it its today.
2) What does the mother do, when she finds her daughter almost unconsious lying on the bathroomfloor, and learn later on it's because of drugs? Oh yeah, she goes and fetches her daughters boyfriend (which, we have no scenes at all between the mother and daughter discussing the boyfriend, more then just "I have a boyfriend"). She manages to find him, and brings him to her daughter's room. And there the 2 of them, left all alone, going cold turkey.
I don't know if maybe the hospital would be a better idea? *shrugs*
Slow paced, but an interesting watch :)