
Aug 05, 2004 21:52

Yo a lot of people are using these now, so i figured, what the hell.
My name is Joseph Angelo Cerletti, I am 15, and call me Joe.

I enjoy chilling with friends, being lazy, CHICKS, xbox live, talkin on aim,
reading military books, and my favorite music is rap. some rock is awesome too.

My favorite food is In-N-Out Burger, and Italian food. I hell of hell of enjoy sneaking out, it's awesome. I always have to get the last word, and my Birthday is April 6th, 1989, I get my permit october 6th.

Tupac Amaru Shakur is the bessssst *2Pac*

Me and Mikie's "Erman" jokes r da besssst and women humor sucks.

My cell fone is 286 5750.

Hell of random: but my favorite Xbox Live people *besides mikie* are Zennith and LIMITZ69. Zennith is from Vancover, Canada, and LIMITZ is from Long Island, New York.

This was probably boring, but trust me, all my other posts will be interesting, action packed, innapropriate, and no one under 14 may read it *without my approval*

i get the last word
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