out of the deep end.

Aug 19, 2006 20:36

thank you everyone for your kind words during the last couple days. it means so much to me, especially since i counted this person as a close friend. you've restored my faith that the internet really does have good people, not to mention the best of friends.

the way i see it, the "julie" that "charlie" knew and fell in love with is as dead as he is. above and beyond this situation, i was in a very bad place for about a year. when he and i met, i was so lost and depressed...it's not really a surprise that i fell for the stories, hook, line, and sinker. i believed all those beautiful lies, made it so that she could feed them to me, over and over, like grapes on a platter. and she kept right on pressing those buttons to get "julie" right where she wanted her. well, all that's over now. not quite water under the bridge, definitely not forgiven or forgotten, but over.

now that "charlie" is finally gone, JULIET is back for good. and nothing, NO ONE is going to stand in my way.

can i get a "hell yeah!!"? ;)

to that end, i'm wiping the slate clean and erasing all traces of her from my life. all saved emails, im chats, music, pictures, and everything else that could possibly remind me of this person are gone. now it's time to revamp my journal. so far, i've worked on the look of it, but i still want to change the name and userinfo. take a look and let me know what you think!

i love you all. and just know, you have to believe, that everything i've said or revealed about myself is absolutely 100% TRUE. i swear to you.

faker, friends

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