He Who is Might Conquers Himself

Aug 15, 2011 00:21

Okay, so I'm having that restless feeling which I haven't felt in a long time again, so, hello LJ!

I said, I'd be posting about more important stuff here, so, yeah, let's do this.

So, the past week has shown how bound we still are to religion and how that gets in the way of human rights. Yes, I'm talking about that CCP-CBCP thing where Mideo Cruz's work became all controversial and all, and the CBCP urge CCP to take it down and some buncha political people got some punches in as well, to prove a point that they won't take that shit.

Well God damn you all. I usually say, goddamit, but God (space) damn you all. I will take the Lord's name in vain if only to prove a point. Those people cry foul when you wouldn't want to have an intelligent discussion. I don't care if you think it's a discussion with the devil. We are humans, we are not the devil. Religion may teach that we may be influenced by the devil, but should we not as Christians, follow Christ's example? Did Christ not engage the devil in conversation and resisted the temptation? He did not run away, he faced his demon. And we should emulate that. We shouldn't cower in fear or cry foul and beg God to take away the demon, no, we must face our own. We are strong, we must be strong. Christianity teaches weakness, that we must be saved, but did Christ not always say, "your faith has saved you." It wasn't a matter of Christ, or God, but faith. We are strong motherfucking beings, us humans. We shouldn't short-change ourselves because that would be missing the point.

I am not for the work, I do not like the work nor do I hate because I never saw it. I hate that it was put down before an intelligent discussion about it could be had. I hate that the works of others suffered because of this as well. I hate that this was used as a battleground for freedom and art, and that allies quickly fell, and bullies flexed their muscles. The power game of politics in this country is so strong, it hardly feels like a democracy fighting for liberty at all. London riots may have caused a lot of damage and killed some people, but these people were fighting. I do not suggest we go as extreme, but when push comes to shove, let us be strong. Let's not wait for an outside force to correct things. God gave us talents and skills to deal with things and we should be the ones fixing them.

I have decided that I am going to goddamn vote next elections, and I will be even more fucking vocal and informed than I am now, because I choose to - because I care. Not because it's the responsible thing to do or because it's about time or because I want a voter's ID. No. There are issues I care about and I want to fucking go out there and do shit about it.
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