Jan 23, 2007 22:45
I just watched a Kurosawa flick called the "The Bad Sleep Well". Before I say anything about the movie, I just want to mention that it took me a while to actually decipher the title. I thought sleep was a noun, and bad was an adjective, while well was another noun. A spring of poor slumber. I'm a retard. It actually means that those of ill intentions enjoy restful torpor.
But enough about my handicaps: this movie pwned. It was some sick corporate feudal "Hamlet" tale in 1960 Japan. Amazingly complex plot, superbly subtle direction, and fantastic acting. It seemed to start off slow, but if I ever watch it again, I'll be scrutinizing the beginning for foreshadowing and any cues I missed. All of the plot twists were more like Gordian knots. I think some would find "The Bad Sleep Well" boring, but I really enjoyed it. Once I was drawn into layer upon layer of plot, I needed to know what was happening next, and my eagerness was fed with a minutely detailed set of, um, details that made it sumptuous.
I recommend it to any Kurosawa fan, or anyone who can eschew action for diabolical plot complexity and veritable switchbacks rather than turns, in terms of the story. And what could be bad about Toshiro Mifune as a drunken misanthrope son of a Japanese aristocrat?