Tis April's fault..

Jan 08, 2006 07:46

It’s about time I updated this thing, I’ve actually had a request or two, which is odd, to say the least, nevertheless it is high time you got to know more about me. My life has been..uneventful enough of late, naught to complain about but naught to be said about either….Hollowin’ and Elinonin’ away as usual…Can’t shake that nasty habit, better than smoking though I guess. Oh, for Christmas I worked in a toy shop, in the stock room..twas a laugh…me and large muscular Polish men tossing around boxes…well me heaving them tossing, big bloody bastards, ‘twas like they were chiselled from rock for Christ’s sake. So yeah, raked in the cash with the insane hours I worked there….kinda ruined the spirit of Christmas with parents beatin on their kids to hurry them up….though one day I turned kid beater..on accident. I was carrying a particularly heavy and long box about the shop floor and turned at the end of the aisle, not seeing the child before me….and BAM….a blow to the head doth he receive. Now, generally one apologizes profusely and moves on their way once a mother comes and you make up a story about him falling…but oh no..Alan couldn’t do that….instead I fell to uncontrollable laughter at the kid’s huge eyes that looked up at me in disbelief, as if to say, ‘I can’t believe you hit me in the face with a box.’ and thing only got worse from there, mother arrived, way over weight, baby in pram and other delinquent in hand and a beside himself Alan gasping vainly for oxygen to fill falling lungs….this only added to my mirth for some reason…even her stare of death seemed to bounce off my shield of euphoria…Man, good day that…Anyway, with the money I raised from working I got myself a laptop and wireless-ness, which is immense but destroys my sleeping pattern. Curse you America. But yeah, all in all life is good, need another job now to fund my ventures into getting a job connected with writing full time, providing I possess the talent necessary….I’m still drinkin’ as we Irish tend to, fun stuff that…makes for amusing encounters that I find hard to remember and so won’t share at this present time.

Time for some shout outs, everyone loves them:

April goes first this day, for her making me post. Only recently met the lass, but I can tell she be fallin’ for me, heh, what with my Celtic allure and rugged charm…I don’t know how more don’t flock to me.

Shannon is also the pwnage, *inserts Elinon advertisement here* Pwns the hell out of me in so many ways…nuff said..

Coffey, <3 lass, getting me excited about rp and building a story with a character…thanks, seriously.

He of alliterate genius-ness skullrapes skanks softly…Yeah <3 again…Some day we’ll get drunk

Shast-man, my brethren, did I ever tell you that you’re my hero?

Jen, www.junkbyjen.deviantart.com/gallery, take a look at that peeps. Skilled lass on our hands here, tis the only way I get to see her creativity anymore…. *weeps*

Terence, my innuendo filled amigo… we is gonna crack the rp slump!

Sally, mercurial entity of boundless rage….loose it woman, maim all before you….and perhaps if still imbued with residual energies burn your bra as a statement of some kind…

The Nat, hope the leg feels better and that ye get some sleep, lass, don’t want you being a crock when you finally get to peruse my….eh…clock.

Ally, improbably won’t see this. But yeah, you deserve to be here.

Em, dearest Em-girl, less than 3.

Stay classy people,

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