Today I'm going to move my computer desk. This is a huge undertaking because I have approx. 2 tons of books/cds/computer on the shelf connected to my computer desk. I want to do it though so I can move a table in here. I'm tired of having nowhere to write out my bills (I'm trying to cut down on my profanity quotient).
Tree Near My Apartment, April 2006
Ground Near My Home, April 2006
Can I come up with titles, or can I come up with titles?
In other news: I'm absolutely frikkin' exhausted. woke up at 6:20 for no good reason (other than cats howling) and couldn't go back to sleep.
ETA: Moved my computer desk. Minimal harm to me and cats. Table didn't work out. Obstructed me from being able to sit at the computer.