Dec 19, 2006 02:08
Do you feel like having to show the best of you even to acquiantances these days just earn a little fuel for living?
It's great if you don't, but I do.
These people aren't my family nor my girlfriend, etc. Hardly. I remember back in the days I reserve the best of me to just the ones I really trust and love. But now I have to try my best with almost everyone I met (except those hobos on the subway, but who knows).
You know what that means? It's like a restaurant has gone so broke, even the manager has to come outside the restaurant to ask customers to come in. Of course, this strategy probably scares away more customers than it attracts. Or next time you raise the price of the food, the customers thought you are being an ass.
I always feel like I should just start being an ass, but apparently I can't and I get taken advantage of everyday. I like doing things for people unconditionally way too much. I don't know why I like to give away unconditional love so much; it's not like I'm anybody's mom.
And you know what that means if the restaurant still can't survive? It will go bankrupt. I for one know what the equivalent to life is, because I already tried that around 3 years ago. I am very scared. Lovestock market crashes. An asylum for the bankrupted.
Underneath the sheath of sheer joy hides the sorrow and the hollow unable to be mellowed.