Series Title: Wake-up Call
Author: Baronjanus
Genre: Slash
Ratings: Varying depending on specific chapters G to NC-17
Series warnings: slash; kink/fetish
Series Summary: relationships develop, people finding out things about themselves, about others; it's a wake up call, all around
Characters/Pairings: Gibbs, Palmer, Ducky, Tony
Currently: Gibbs/Palmer, Gibbs/Ducky, and implied/UST/pre-slash pairings: Palmer/Ducky, Gibbs/Tony, Palmer/Tony (additional past pairings mentioned in specific fics, and one crossover with QAF UK)
Wake Up Call: INDEX PAGE The verse is planned as an ongoing project, but all chapters are complete units and can be read as a finished standalone
Author disclaimer: I do not own NCIS characters, only toy with them for my and others' enjoyment; I do not gain any money or favours out of this game; I have never suggested that the characters in the show would engage in any particular sexual behaviour, unfortunately. Please read up on fanfic, and then go hunt down real bad guys. Thank you.
Note1: Best read in the order listed in the index, not the order posted.
Note2: I'm not the author, only the beta.