6 weirdnesses meme

May 03, 2006 20:24

Tagged for the 'six weird things about me' meme by sparklebutch and calime33:

You start with "6 weird habits/things about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write about their 6 weird habits/things as well as include these instructions. In the end, you need to choose the next 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

Caveat: I don't think stuff I do or am is weird. I do concede that others think things are weird. This entire thing is weird from other people's perspective, not mine.

* I drink my coffee with powdered milk, which is, according to sparklebutch, not only weird, it's downright freaky.

* I walk the cats on a harness and leash, although it's still a new process and we're all still getting used to it.

* I use English much much more than my native tongue. I do almost everything in English. I haven't done any (or almost any) fun reading in my native language since I was 15. By choice. And I don't live in an English speaking country. Yet.

* I sing Cabaret while doing the dishes. OK, that was only the once, but sparklebutch thought it's weird. But music does improve the washing up so much.

* I wrote an entire dissertation on the linguistic use of 'self'. A lot of people think that dedicating the enrire research to one word is weird.

* I'm with Adam (sparklebutch), which is weird for some people. Cat person with dog person, vegetarian with avid carnivore, age gap... A whole host of things, mostly superficial. Me? I think it's a huge stroke of luck that I found him.

ETA: Forgot to tag. Don't think even six people read my lj.
If you haven't done this meme yet, you're it.


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