Well hey, lookit this. An update!
• It's Friday the 13th! (/makes spooky noises) Yeah, whatever. I don't actually think that this day is cursed or bad luck or what-have-you. 13 is a perfectly nice number, and considering that the 10th of this month is my divorced parents' anniversary and then the 11th is, well, September 11th, 13 is a nice change.
• School continues apace. Classes are going well so far. I have a bunch of homework for this weekend, which probably means less video gaming. Oh well. I don't want to fall behind in this, my last semester. Gaming can continue one I have a degree in my hand.
• Still haven't re-upped my DW paid account, but I'm totally going to. But speaking of that, though, where do I find icons these days? It used to be that if you wanted icons, you went and searched for communities for that thing on LJ and there would be tons of icons. Not so much anymore. I want to swap some icons out when I re-up my paid account, but this (of course, duh) will mean getting new icons that match my current interests. But now I have no idea where to find icons.
• J is in a job flux at the moment. It's actually nice. We're not stressed about money (for now) so I'm hoping he'll be able to find something that he enjoys doing, rather than working at GameStop and being stressed out because, oh yeah, they keep getting robbed at gunpoint.
• Other than school things, no writing is happening in my life at the moment. It's a little bit annoying. It would probably be more annoying, except that I keep having good ideas for a novel that's been percolating in my head for a while now, and they mostly mean I'm going to have to do some research for the form of the novel before I can even begin to put words down on the page. And then, because my head is sort of in that novel's space, I can't seem to get it to focus on anything else that I might be able to write. Something needs to be done about this.
I guess that's about it.
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