• Last night I dreamed that the Boyfriend and I went to an animal shelter, and I fell in love with two kitties, a brother and a sister pair who were the cuddliest things ever. Their names were Aioo (the girl kitty) and Juugo (the boy kitty). Yeah, I have no idea. They were really beautiful and cuddly and wonderful. And then I woke up and couldn't figure out where the kitties were. And then I realized that I had been dreaming. And it made me so sad.
• I leave tomorrow afternoon for NYC. (Gah, I still need to pack.) I'm sort of annoyed that I won't be haven't been able to get out all the emails and calls that I wanted to make to potential internship places and set up interviews for my time there, but there's still a possibility that I'll be able to get something in. We'll see.
• I'm trying to remind myself that this trip is also my Spring Break, though! I'm supposed to have fun! See friends! So that's what I'm going to do. It was
inthebookfort's birthday a few days ago, so hopefully she and
exrpan and I will have a girl's night out or something to celebrate.
• I will miss the Boyfriend while I am gone, though. Sadface. On the upside, though, he came up yesterday and is spending a few days with me before I go and then taking me to the airport tomorrow.
• I still have a paper to finish. It's about half done right now, but it's also due in 15 minutes. Even though the teacher is notorious for not giving extensions, I am hoping to beg another couple of hours from him in which to finish this damn thing. Possibly I will cry on him. Or possibly show him that I do actually have it started (since I flaked on both papers for his class last semester) and cry on him. But really, there's only so fast I can type. I need to remember this when I procrastinate on things. Note to self: I do have the brain power to construct a 6-page essay in the last hour before it's due, but I can't actually type that fast.
• This room is cold and smells like ass. Wtf.
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