In which Sky is quietly cheerful.

Jan 17, 2012 19:28

• I'm home in Santa Fe. This should be surprising to no one.

• School started today! I am... mostly hopeful about the classes that I had. I have a relatively light schedule (more time for writing!) and today was only two classes. Two lit classes, but still. Ugh, I still have none of my books, except the free ones that I was able to get on Amazon on my Kindle. My teacher-who actually asked in class, "So, who else got a Kindle for Christmas?"-says that most of them can be found for free online, so I'll look into that more. At the very least, the first book I need should be, since, um, it was published in the 1700s and thus is very much in the public domain.

• After school, I went to our post box and picked up mail, which contained lots of presents for me. :) It was late birthday things-things that my mom ordered for me that didn't come in time-but they were more like, "Congrats on starting school again!" presents. My Kindle has a shiny new skin on it, and my mom got me a giant bottle of my favorite perfume, Comme des Garçons! (Wouldn't it be cool if you could smell things over the internet...) Also some knitting needles that my mom and I discovered are the best (though, she got me the regular ones, not the lace ones, which I think are even better).

• Speaking of, I've been getting more into knitting these days. I'm trying finding projects for yarn that's in my stash, and it's been fun! Of course, I'll actually have to start those projects soon. I did swatch a bit for an afghan I want (desperately) to make. But I'll actually have to get yarn to make that one, since I have only one ball each of the two colors I need, but I already cast on for it and have knit a few rows. I'll need to get more yarn before long, though. (Ugh, and I just remembered about dye lots. Hopefully they will match well enough that I don't try to kill myself by ripping it all out and starting over.)

• I got snowed in yesterday! Luckily, I wasn't planning on leaving.

• Got most of my Independent Study paperwork done. The head of my department thinks I am a little crazy for attempting 8 short stories in a semester. I... was way more confident before she stared at me in astonishment. I mean, I am defining short story as 5-20 pages (or 2k to 10k words, I guess?) and this does not seem strange to me. Challenging, yes. Impossible or stupidly difficult, no. I'm not expecting these stories to be masterful works of literature. And likely all of them will be first (or second) drafts-in that the way I write things tends to be more like transcribing something I've already composed in my head-so... I totally think it's possible. Give me encouragement, guys.

• I need to write the first story sometime this week, actually, and email it to my advisor so she can read it for our first meeting. Which... will be at some... time. Uh.

• I also resolved to finish one fic that I started last year every month. I haven't really worked on anything except the secret_mutant fic that I didn't get in on time. Likely... I will try to finish that one for this month and then post it to the comm, because I want the person I was assigned to have it. They will probably find it as hilarious as I do. (Lookit me, being all cryptic. :p)

Yeah, I'm done now.

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fanfiction, knitting, sfuad is a funny acronym, writing

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