In which Sky should be in bed.

Apr 01, 2011 02:37

It's just after 2am and I am actually on my way to bed, but this "Post an Entry" tab has been open for a few days just staring woefully at me. So. Quick update, then bed.

• I am back from NYC somewhat recharged and feeling pretty damn good about myself. Seeing all my closest friends really helped my psyche, I think. I feel better about (just about) everything. Pictures from my day at the Met will probably be forthcoming. Other than that: I saw 4 movies; saw lskull86, girasola, exrpan (and her bf briefly) and my ex (which was, oddly, good); saw Arcadia on Broadway which kind of made my life (I may or may not have cried); and saw family, including my newest cousin Minna who was born in February.

• I am technically back at school, but in reality I've had no classes this week (except for seminar) while I write my enabling paper. (I am only sure that one person on my flist is actually going to know what that means, but I am too tired to explain. Suffice to say that it's the second biggest paper I will write at SJC.) I am writing on Aquinas and law, and whoooboy am I intimidated. My question is: given that human law is fallible, does Aquinas believes we need it, and why or why not? And also sort of why isn't divine law (and the Ten Commandments) sufficient? I... do not at all have a handle on what I'm writing about. I haven't even really got a draft for this paper yet (due this coming Monday at noon) because I am so, "Whut," about it. Aquinas is hard.

• Instead of writing today, I baked chocolate chip cookies and meringues. I thought about what I wanted to write, which doesn't count but usually helps.

• I've decided that, while eating less now that I am in Santa Fe-I gained at least 5 pounds while I was in NYC, I swear, I didn't stop eating the whole time, except for the day I spent at the Met maybe-is going to help a little with getting those extra pounds off, I need to start my exercises up again. Because I am out of shape and starting to add to my already existing body issues. (Which I don't need. I was fine with the few body issues I had. Definitely don't need more.) So, before climbing into bed just now, I laid out my yoga mat (a spare blanket) and did some stretching for flexibility, some yoga for stamina, and some push-ups and sit-ups for strength and toning. It's my own little mix of pilates, yoga, ballet stretches and internet-researched regular stuff for my own health. I was out of shape enough that I did only was able to do half the number of push-ups and sit-ups I was doing at the end of freshman year and I couldn't get my head to my knees like I used to be able to. Ugh. This is going to change. Might even start using the school gym again.

• I... have mostly abandoned all my fic projects in favor of an original thing that girasola and I have revived. (Well, I did the reviving and then I dragged her back into it because it is an awesome project.) It feels good to think about it again, I definitely missed it. Also, I am vaguely thinking about a Faerie thing. For which I am doing both research and meta-research (as Mira termed it, since it involves reading other people's Faerie books to see what they did). It's not really more than a vague thing in my head, but it had potential for awesomeness.

• Ok, actually, fic projects are not totally abandoned, since I figured out how I want my Prince Caspian AU to work. I think it's technically a Dawn Treader AU as I am ganking the plot from that movie instead of trying to figure something out for myself. (What? It's already there and useful.) I have a few scenes written up, but I'm not sure I'll be able to finish it for au_bigbang. :/ Most other fic projects have been put on hold in favor of this one and the original stuff. Thank the gods that my Dawn Treader DVD won't be here until after I finish my paper. (Even if I do have a DLed copy...) I've already watched Prince Caspian twice for reasearch. (Hah!)

Aaand that's it for me. Sleep meds are starting to kick in, and maybe they'll actually keep me asleep tonight, though I'm not betting on it. I am getting in bed for a sleep.

P.S. This icon makes me happy because it vaguely reminds me of The Thing I'm working on with Mira. :)

keeping healthy and getting fit, writing again, sjc, i love my friends, travel, daily list, fanfiction why hast thou forsaken me?, baking is love

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