New current tallies, I has them.
• Current list of fics I am writing:
1) Prince Caspian AU (440 words, considering writing this for
au_bigbang but I has no time)
2) Enchanted Epilogue (370 typed, 200 untyped)
3) Hawaii Five-0 "Mary McGarrett is a BAMF" (1030 words)
4) Star Trek XI Kirk/Spock smut (135 typed, 400+ untyped, last count was an estimate)
5) HP Founders-fic, Before They Were Legends (no change since last count, can't find the notebook I wrote this in, hm)
6) Covert Affairs Joan/Arthur romance/smut (actually 500 words, can't find where I wrote the rest of this down either)
7) Merlin Arthur/Merlin (with actual plot, zomg) (still 100 words)
• Current list of ideas bouncing around in my head:
1) Tangled Epilogue (because I am a nutjob, clearly)
2) Hawaii Five-0 Steve/Danny thing (because I ♥ them)
• Current RP things:
eraofhogwarts2) Letter thing with
dragon_gypsy3) Vampire/Demon thing with
dragon_gypsy4) Abban/Dmitri thing with
dragon_gypsy5) Medieval knights thing with
girasola • Current tally of papers:
1) Math paper - DONE
2) Language paper - got extension, will be writing this tonight and tomorrow
• Current tally of TV shows I am watching FOR THE PLEASURE OF IT:
1) Eureka (which I have finally downloaded the second half of S3 and can finish when I get home from work)
2) Angel (alternating between S1 and S5 because I am a doof but I ♥ S5)
• Current tally of movies I watched/am watching/will watch BECAUSE I CAN:
1) Black Swan (tomorrow morning with my father)
2) Possibly Amadeus (because we're studying Don Giovanni in music right now, and I think it's hilarious)
3) Definitely Robin Hood for boning up on knowledge (LOL with me) for RP with Mira.
• Tally of cocktails/drinks I intend to consume between now and the end of the Oscars:
1) Martinis
2) Hot chocolate with Bailey's
3) Rum and coke
4) whatever else my dad provides the alcohol for