In which Sky realizes she ought to make an update.

Sep 24, 2010 10:42

• I really wanted the whole getting-me-a-car thing to be worked on this weekend. What I didn't count on was it being Homecoming at my school this weekend, and thus my dad is pretty much unavailable to tote me around to see cars. Sigh. I want to be able to bring friends home to see my cats. And go grocery shopping when I want to. And come home when I have a long break between classes and make myself lunch. This is my pouty face, let me show it to you.

• In way more cheerful news, I found a cheap fare to Tulum, Mexico and a cheap hotel there on the beach for Winter Break. I really want to go. I keep reminding myself to talk to my mom about it when she gets back next Monday. Guys, I need some beach R&R. And even if I don't really need it now, I definitely will by the time Winter Break rolls around.

• Sort of thinking that Ireland might be possible over Spring Break, but we'll see.

• Also sometimes, when my work for my next class is already done and I don't have anything else to work on with me, I resort to reading filthy smutty smut in the coffee shop where people could read it over my shoulder if they stopped to do so. This makes me giggle a bit. And by a bit I mean I look a little like a crazy loon.

• I've spent the last few days laughing at the irony of my life. It sort of makes me go, "My fuckin' life, guys. My fuckin' life."

• Ok, I've kind of spent the last few days laughing at my life in general, actually. Because, you know, my fuckin' life, guys. My fuckin' life.

• I lost my really awesome sunglasses like... two weeks ago, and I've been sunglasses-less ever since. Though I am somewhat hesitant of buying sunglasses online-because if they are too wide and too tall they make me look like a bug-but there's a pair of Cole Haan sunglasses on sale on this one website that I'm thinking about buying despite the fact that they might make me look like a bug. Or... should I just buy a cheap pair on and only have spent $6 (+shipping) for sunglasses that are inevitably going to make me look like an insect? I suspect the latter is the smarter choice.

• Nothing all that interesting is happening in my life.

• I am thrilled to be moving on out of the Hebrew Bible for seminar. I hope my seminars get better when we're talking about something else, and I am already sort of dreading going back and reading Christian Bible later. I miss reading Plato and Aristotle something fierce. (And if someone had told me that last year, particularly while I was slogging my way through Aristotle's Politics, I would have laughed long and hard, and maybe possibly have been able to calm myself down before they started talking about having me committed.)

• P.S. My wisdom tooth stopped hurting last week sometime. While I am filled with relief, I am not taking it as a sign that I don't need to have them removed, just sort of hoping that it means I don't have to do it right this minute.

car, smutty smut smut, sjc, sunglasses woes, travel, my fuckin life, daily list, oh god my mouth, this whole situation

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