In which Sky tries to think about things other than this whole goddamned situation.

Jul 25, 2010 23:12

• It's hard for me to update LJ when I'm frustrated with life. It's so much easier when there are good things to say. I almost wish I felt violent and angry, but I just feel sick and stupid.

• I want some "Keep Calm and Carry On" paraphernalia. Like this shirt though I'm considering a poster-or 8. This phrase could totally be the motto of my life. Also, they have band-aids-apparently called "plasters" over there, who knew? It totally took me a moment to work that one out, hah. Adorable!

• Along those same lines... I'm interested in the variants of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" phrase. I've seen "Get Excited and Make Things" in a couple places. And aramly has an icon that says "Keep Calm and Deny It All" which cracked me up. I think I've probably seen some other variants, but I haven't been able to track them down or anything. Seen any other interesting ones, guys?

• My mother has suggested that we could go to Ireland over Winter Break-she found some super awesome deal online-but I... kind of really want to go somewhere warm. Like Mexico. I'd rather go to Ireland for my next Spring Break, or even next summer. Even though that's a really long ways away. Not that we can afford to do tons of traveling, but you know.

• It was cold here today. There was lots of rain, and I actually wore a sweater and a jacket. Maybe summer is winding down? ... AHAHAHA. Yeah, right. Not for a while yet. August will still be stupidly warm, and it'll probably start cooling down in September. Which... is usually when I break out the winter gear, so I'm just going to enjoy my warmth while I can.

• I read a whole book today on the assumption that it was going to be good, and it wasn't really. I kept trying to get invested in it, but I never seemed to be able to. I was pleased to note from the author's bio that it's the first in a trilogy, so maybe something will be explained and the main character won't do things I think are stupid. I might just be curious enough to pick up the next book when it comes out. It does leave me with the question of which of my library books do I read next, though... Or do I reread some Lackey and enjoy the familiar ground? Hm.

And now, because I can feel my depression making me physically ill, I'm going to go write in my paper journal and go to sleep.

this whole situation, books, keep calm and carry on, travel, daily list

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