Jul 01, 2010 14:36
• Mother is home... for a day. She goes to Texas tomorrow morning, but will be back in a few days. I'm mildly worried about her health-physical and mental-but she's strong. Plus, it's all for business and she's being really productive and... you know, entrepreneurial. So, hopefully there will be more money for the family and for the world's impoverished.
• My grandmother is coming for a visit on Sunday and staying for a few days. That should be fun. I haven't seen them for a while. At least a year. My dad and I are figuring out things to do with her while she's here-including a movie, and possibly an opera. I am desperate to see Madame Butterfly, though I would settle for The Magic Flute. :D
• I was virtuous for the first time this whole summer and I exercised this morning. My abs hate me right now. But, I still feel pretty good about it. I'll have to remember to do another round before I go to bed. Must get back into routine!
• I'm feeling content this morning. This is rare, and rather enjoyable. I am relishing it.
• I keep reminding myself, "Now is not the time to start new projects. There are enough things that you have planned for this summer and you don't need more things to take away time from those." It's hard to keep that in mind, though. There are so many things that I want to do, that I want to learn how to do. Sigh.
• Why are there so many books I want to read? I'm trying to be careful and save the easy reading ones for when I'm in school. I can't read really long books or really involved fantasy books when I'm also trying to read philosophy. Which means I'm saving all the romance novels for school (ok, I confess, not all the romance, I'm reading some now because I shamelessly adore it).
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