• I had a dream last night that my cat came back, and her tail (which was crooked) was miraculously straight. Which I knew meant it had to have been broken. D: Then, I woke up and it took me a minute to remember that she hadn't returned. Sadness. And I can't get a new cat until I have a place of my own (because I'm not sure I really trust my parents' house with my animals anymore) and am kind of stable. That could be a long time from now. It makes me even sadder to think that I won't have anything to cuddle for a long time.
• With the Nook and the Kindle doing price battles, I stumbled upon
the Kobo. It looks nice. I mean, the Kindle is kind of the biggest thing, because Amazon has the biggest online store (and e-readers are going to inherently be attached to online stores) but I wasn't impressed with the Nook's touch screen and the Kindle is still a bit too pricey for me. But the Kobo? Looks kind of awesome, and we have Borders stores here in Santa Fe-and no B&Ns, so. Anyone hear anything about the Kobo? Good reviews? Bad reviews? Anything?
• I've decided that one way to be less lonely is to start going online more often. I mean, I only get lonelier when I don't make myself available to being contacted. Hopefully I'll be online a little bit more (or, you know, at all) from now on.
• I keep putting off writing in favor of reading-possibly because they're library books and I have to read them and then return them, and possibly because I read quickly and can get through them quickly and then do other things. Either way, I need to do more writing. I keep telling myself, just because it's summer, doesn't mean you can give up budgeting your time wisely. It's not really helping, and my coworkers are giving me werid looks. >.>
• I finally emailed my mother... a minute ago. I am so forgetful and lame. Still, here's hoping that I will here from her soon. It's not even close of business over in NYC yet, so there's a possibility that I'll even hear from her today. :>
• Help me promote
fantasybigbang! Because... you love me, obvs.
• I am liking my haircut more these days. As long as I don't try to put my hair up (which isn't that hard at work, since it's air conditioned and freezing) it looks really nice. I am pleased.
• There's a movie theater here in Santa Fe that seems to have $1 Wednesdays, which even my father can't complain about taking me to "bad" movies (read: movies he doesn't want to see) because it's only $2 for the both of us. He took me to see Clash of the Titans last week, which was super fun. And he couldn't complain because it was only $2. And also because I bought him Junior Mints, which are his favored movie treat. :D We're skipping out tonight to make a delicious dinner, but maybe by next week they'll have some new movies. Or I'll just have to drag my dad to Letters to Juliet. Mwahaha.
And I think that's probably it for today. :D