In which Sky is getting geared up to write something.

Jun 20, 2010 11:10

• Today is Father's Day! I think I have a few mothers on my friends list, but I'm not sure about fathers. Anyway, Happy Father's Day to you all and to your fathers. I gave mine a funny card (which he liked) and now we're thinking about breakfast (my vote is for pancakes and eggs) and we'll probably stay in and relax today. Sounds good to me!

• Today is the first day of my first two-day weekend in a while. I am so thrilled not to have to work tomorrow, I can't even tell you.

• In less happy news, I haven't seen my cat in over 24 hours, and her food is the same. She's an outdoor cat, so it's possible that she's wandering around and eating birds (and possibly bunnies, she's done that before) but I rather suspect that she got caught by something. She's the last of my three cats, and I really would love for her to come home.

• Still have not emailed my mother. But that's on my list of things to do today. I kept forgetting thanks to work and all that, but I really have to do that.

• I got a haircut the other day. I am mostly happy with it, as it is what I said I wanted. But I think I have discovered that I want something else. I am not sure how to go about getting it, yet. My dad probably won't be happy to take me to get another haircut three days after I got the first one, and it's probably a terrible idea to try and do the styling myself. (Though... it is all in the front...) Still, not sure what I'm going to do about that yet. Maybe I'll wait a little bit and see if I like it as-is any better in a few weeks.

• I am rereading all of Tamora Pierce's Tortall books. I've gotten through the whole of the Song of the Lioness Quartet and I am more than halfway through The Immortals Quartet now. (I can't decide if I want to finish reading the 3rd one, or just move on to the 4th, which is my favorite.) I've already reserved the Protector of the Small Quartet from the library, so when I am done with the ones I own, I can go get those and keep going. It's so nice to have some of my beloved books back. (Though, most of my favorite-favorites are still on the other side of the country.)

• I finally got a little bit of an inkling of what I want to write for my vampirebigbang which is good because I don't have that much time to write 10,000 words. :D

And I think that's it for now!

father/daughter bonding, vampire big bang, books, cat, daily list

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