This is why should have closing hours.

Aug 29, 2005 01:25

Because instead of writing, like I really, really, really should be doing, I'm poking about, adding things to my wishlist like crazy.

This is not productive, Sky. This is not helping any writing get done.

Bah. I have two college visits this week. One on Tuesday, to the College of Santa Fe ( where I am not applying, but I am visiting because my dad insisted upon it ) and one on Thursday/Friday to St. John's College ( which I will be applying to, if I don't get in early to NYU ) which is an over night, and I am very much looking forwards to this one. I will always have some affection for St. John's, having lived there for three years.

But... yeah. I need to study for the SATs. Again. But I can't start this until I get back to NY, and that gives me a month only to study. Ah well. This is no fault of my own; I left the books there. And at the same time, I also need to be starting applications. Air, you suck for having most of yours done. XP But again, not much I can do, as everything is in NY.

Speaking of NY, though, I should let all you out there know that I am leaving here ( "here" being Santa Fe, New Mexico ) early next Sunday. Which means? I have a week to clear out this room, visit two colleges, and pack. Which also means that I will be in NY on September 7th, for the senior meeting. ( I had a dream two nights ago that I missed this meeting and I didn't have my schedule on the first day of school. I woke in a panic, and then realized that I didn't have to get up for school, and I hadn't missed the meeting. But I still had the bejeebus scared out of me. )

Um... what's the point of this post? I'm procrastinating still, of course... >.>;;

Oh yeah. before I forget, allow me to advertise:

Kirwan Collaborations was created by airiviel and cerulean_sky.

We proudly present to you our newsletter, which includes two new short stories from each writer on the first day of every month. All stories and everything within -- characters, places, and related terms -- are created and copyrighted by Airiviel and Sky.

Click the banner above. You all should read, because we really want to know what people are going to think, and writers love feedback, no matter what type ( though we like the positive type best. ). So... yeah. Friend us, and stick around, the first issue will be out September 1st. Also, tell your friends.

sats, amazon, college visits, college, kirwan

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