Brown Butter Cookies

Jul 11, 2013 14:08

Brown Butter Cookies

1 cup salted butter
1 cup of brown sugar divided (2/3 and 1/3)
2 tsp vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
Fleur de Sel Salt (SMALL amounts of flaked sea salt works, but if you can't get Fleur de Sel, Hawaiian Sea Salt seems to have a mellower flavor)

In a mixing bowl add flour, 1/3 c of sugar, and baking soda. Whisk together and set aside.

In a small saucepan, melt butter on low to medium heat, stirring occasionally, until browned. The butter will be browned shortly after it foams up, starts to smell nutty, and turns brown. Remove from heat, and stir well. Let the browned butter sit for about 10 minutes to cool slightly. Stir in sugar and vanilla. Let the sugar mixture cool to room temperature.

Slowly stir your flour mixture into the butter mixture until fully incorporated.

At this point I recommend letting the mixture rest for at least an hour to let the flour absorb all the butter. The mixture may be stiff afterwords and crumbly- microwave handfuls of dough for 10 seconds and the dough will be easier to roll.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Roll 1 inch balls of dough. Lightly press into a small bit of salt.
Bake for 15 minutes.

cookies, recipes

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