Title: The Phone Call
Fandom/Characters: 24/Tony Almeida (mentions Jack)
Rating/Warnings: Gen. No warnings
Timeline/Spoilers: Day 4
prompt_palooza Table 3 Prompt 1: Gift (if you squint and the light catches it just right. Because, the phone call is a gift, of sorts XD)
Word Count: 400
Notes: Feedback is love. Please take a moment to tell me what you think.
[ETA:] Day 7 discussion in comments. May be considered spoilerish.
The days all ran together for him. He had no reason to keep track. He wasn't working, no one would hire him. He figured it was only a matter of time until Jen threw him out, and if he kept track of the days, he'd have a vague idea when that was coming.
So instead, he sat around all day, drinking beer out of his beloved Cubbie mug, reading the sports page, and watching football on television. Real football, the kind of ball Americans called Soccer.
He'd just gotten up to get another beer when the phone rang. He glanced at the bedroom door. Jen was home with a headache. It was probably work calling her. She'd turned the phone off in the bedroom. He almost couldn't be bothered to answer, but with the fifth ring, he picked it up. "We're not buying."
"Tony," a familiar voice breathed into his ear. "It's Jack." The hushed urgency in his voice told Tony all he needed to know. He set his mug down. He stood a little taller. He could feel himself transforming. He took a breath. Breathing, living.
Jack spared few details. It didn't matter. This is what Tony lived for. The possibility of this phone call had kept him going day after endless day. He'd always known, in the back of his mind, someday, somehow, Jack would need him again.
He shrugged into his jacket, secured the gun on his hip. Halfway to the Expedition, he remembered that he'd forgotten to leave Jen a note. He kept going forward. Jack needed him. Nothing else mattered. Jen had never, would never compare to Jack.
He felt his nerves start twisting as he approached the warehouse. Jack needed him. Nothing else mattered. He drew his gun, body shifting into offensive mode, arms moving in time with his eyes scanning the scene.
Two men, just inside the bulk door, moving like they were circling in on their prey. It was almost too easy. Heart thundering in his chest and in his ears, he dropped them both within seconds. The silence was deafening. He hesitated a moment, listening.
"Jack!" He had no way of knowing if Jack was alive. Tension hummed in his veins. Dark eyes darted around the garage, searching, as he stepped forward.
"Tony!" Jack answered. Tony kept his gun raised. Of course Jack was alive. Jack needed him. Nothing else mattered.