Feb here i come!

Feb 03, 2009 01:05

Whoever have not visited the FFXIII site needs to do so now. Although the only new addition are just the official trailers and character profiles, the site is amazing and i love the pristine layout.

I need to tidy up my tags and change my profile =/ i changed my location already though. Why oh why am i graphics code retarded? =( i'll just have to find something that i like and tweak it from there. Just don't have the time to search right now.

And i'm becoming delirious here because i'm hating maths so f-ing much right now. I envy those who no longer have to touch maths ever again! YOU PEOPLE ARE SO SOOOO LUCKY DO YOU KNOW THAT??!! Why do i have to (double) major in stuffs relating to science anyway? That's because you love them >_> to a certain extent. Will have to find the time to blame myself on that particular issue too. Oh boy, i sure can't wait to pick up on statistics again! =x

Screw maths, i'm going to sleep.

square-enix:ff xiii, maths

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