Christmas is finally here wheee~

Dec 25, 2007 03:33

I was so intent on reading my cousin's personal statement and talking to
phantomphan1990 about The Golden Compass and that WWI history book i bought for her that i rubbed alcohol on my face... when i was supposed to soak the cotton with SHISEIDO's hydro-balanced softener but instead i soaked it with bloody alcohol, which was also there on my desk because i wanted to clean my earrings as well...Only realised when split seconds later that my face feels so cool due to the alcohol evaporating and then my right eye began to sting, i looked down and let out a huge swear word ^____^' and rushed to the toilet to wash my face and eye *headesk*

This just proves that i can't multi-task -_____-'

I seriously wanted to come here just to make an entry about season's greetings but that seriously needs an entry XD anyways it's a tad bit late but MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!! =D auggh! MY EYES!! The colour burns!!!!!!!!

christmas, wtf

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