wishing that time would stop like right now.

Nov 11, 2007 16:54

I had to catch up with translation last night after
convertabrate left my place at nearly midnight to mooch all my animes and music and dramas lol...thus why i didn't have the time to do it yesterday. Went to SSP to order and get her fabrics and components whilst i looked for samples for the hakama. I'm extremely sleep malnurished as of this moment and wish to do nothing but sleep till school the next day so i'm not going to blog episode 5 of Moyashimon this time. I had to help check my cousin's homework again and it was about creating an environmentally friendly city...and when i wanted to add some things in the proposed regulations about public transportation, i wrote "special attention should be given for the elderly especially in the cost of public transpiration" then i deleted that last word and wrote "transporation" and FINALLY got it right and wrote "transportation" after 2 failed attempts...*shakes head* imagine if we all have to transpire when we get on public transportations XDDD;

Solid prove that my brain is dying LOL. It feels abit like a hangover but a light one. Replies to your comments will be slow as i'm sure you've realised it by now anyways. I will try to get round reading your LJ's once again little by little -_______-' sorry for the lack of comment spam.

The subs for Moyashimon are being released at a rather fast speed i believe anyways. I apologise to disappoint those who have been following my Moyashimon blog entries and i was horrified to find that if i typed "moyashimon episode" onto google, my site is on the first page...i just don't like this whole publicity thing, not that the entry is already public in the first place anyways but it just increased tremendously and i don't like that, if you know what i mean. I will definitely blog it again in the future but maybe not in order anymore, it really depends depending if i have the time. I'm far behind in all of my anime watching, though that has been going on for the last few months. The last 00 episode i watched was 3 so i'm avoiding spoilers though that usually proved to be futile and more difficult since i have to check that all the contentes of the entries over at
gundam00 is all properly tagged D= i hate it so much when entries are not tagged...i'm tag obsessed lol.

I purchased the Dec issue of Newtype and Newtype Romance and probably Animage as well soon. Need to get those scanned, as well as Dec issue of Voce. There's a Moyashimon spread in Newtype and lots of 00 stuff =D

Mediafire deleted my account for some reason, and so i tried to register once again but they won't let me. They obviously hate me. I don't even have the energy to be pissed at them right now. So all those manga mirrors i've uploaded is all gone =( but i shall try and recover them all back, that is if there are still requests for them but a majority of people have taken the mangas through the mirror anyways so shall just wait and see.

life, extremely fatigued, magazines, sleep, anime:moyashimon tales of agriculture, f-list, mediafire

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