it's 0400 and i'm still awake!! Gah! I need to make posters for ECO (Environmental Coservation Organisation??) Shit i forgot what ECO stands for *shoots self* i feel like i've failed myself and what's embarrassing is that i'm 1 of the 4 people in charge of this organisation ;_________: my brain is fried...
And i still need to reply my friend's e-mail >.< thank goodness that there isn't a big time difference between here and Japan =D o wait that's a bad thing isn't it? XD I wanna go to Japan to visit him like now =p but then there is no holiday that i can go to anytime soon but then he's gonna come back hopefully really soon *spams him with tons of e-mails written all over with "COME VISIT ME NOW OR ELSE I'M NOT GONNA WRITE E-MAILS TO YOU ANYMORE!!!" and i hate you for leaving me here and going back to Japan so early XD
okay me and Yen have gone to SSP and spent about 3 hours walking around and depriving ourselves of any liquid, resulting in us in not being able to talk so much *glares at Reg* dude you should've come with us!!! And you better look out for the patterns today, WE NEED TO FIND ONE BY TODAY!! Okay hopefully you'll read this before i wake up at around 1300-ish and start researching for patterns. I DON'T WANT YOU SLACKING OFF WATCHING TENIPURI MUSICAL OR ANYTHING RELATED TO TENIPURI/DEATH NOTE/CODE GEASS OR WHATEVER OTHER THINGS THAT YOU GET YOURSELF OBSESSED WITH...pleaaassseeee i beg of you as a friend and leader of R.Y.T to get your ass movin' and help us look for a pattern ;______: *am dying* you would'n't Yen to become really really pissed won't you?? ^.^'' But most importantly you don't want me to get pissed and angry because when i do (which rarely happens), i'm a very different and extremely scary person...-.-
I don't think i can wake up to go and get me katana's tmr x_____x
Moving on -.-'' i haven't started on a single friggin' work!! I'm starting to forget everything that we've learned in chem D= which is really NOT good. And maths!! Can someone tell me again of why did i even choose this subject?? I hate maths!!!!!!! Whyyyyyyyy!!!? T________T i wish i wasn't in accelerated set last year!! If i wasn't and didn't take C1 early i would have dropped the darned subject damnit >.
A typhoon is heading over to HK =D wheeeeee~ an excellent time to go outdoors =D TYPHOONS = LOVE
I CAN'T WAIT FOR DEATH NOTE: The Last Name to finally come out =D just one patient Tweez >.<''